Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2010


Marek Skovajsa:
Editorial [887]


Martin Myant:
Trade Union Influence in the Czech Republic since 1989 [889]

Jiří Navrátil:
Between the Spillover and the Spillout: Tracing the Evolution of the Czech Global Justice Movement [913]

Radka Dudová:
The Framing of Abortion in the Czech Republic: How the Continuity of Discourse Prevents Institutional Change [945]

Tamah Sherman:
Proselyting in First-contact Situations as an Instructed Action [977]

Summary Articles

Jindřich Krejčí:
Approaching Quality in Survey Research: Towards a Comprehensive Perspective [1011]


Miloslav Petrusek:
Zygmunt Bauman and Czech Sociology (1964–2010) [1035]


Marek Skovajsa:
Peter A. Hall and Michèle Lamont (eds.): Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture Affect Health [1047]

Stephen Crowley:
Agnieszka Paczyńska: State, Labor, and the Transition to a Market Economy: Egypt, Poland, Mexico and the Czech Republic [1052]

Benjamin J. Vail:
James Gustave Speth: The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability [1055]

Tomáš Sirovátka:
Gerda Falkner, Oliver Treib and Elisabeth Holzleithner: Compliance in the Enlarged European Union: Living Rights or Dead Letters? [1058]

Vera Scepanovic:
Paul Blokker and Bruno Dallago (eds.): Regional Diversity and Local Development in the New Member States [1062]

JoLynn Henke:
Hana Hašková and Zuzana Uhde (eds.): Women and Social Citizenship in Czech Society: Continuity and Change [1064]

Petr Mareš:
Jiří Večerník: Czech Society in the 2000s: A Report on Socio-economic Policies and Structures [1068]

Jane Casey:
Irmgard Eisenbach-Stangl, Jacek Moskalewicz and Betsy Thom (eds.): Two Worlds of Drug Consumption in Late Modern Societies [1070]


Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková:
Migrations 2010 [1073]

Other texts

Reviewers of Articles in 2010 [1075]

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