Tuition & Fees
A sizable group of students are admitted on a tuition-free basis for the whole duration of the MA/PhD program. The other admitted students are charged a tuition for the first two years, the MA part of the program, after which they can continue with the PhD program on a tuition-free basis or move on to another program or to a workplace. A student without a Master's or equivalent degree prior to admission is usually charged a tuition unless the student exhibits a strong qualification.
For those students who are charged a tuition for the first two years, the amount is set on an individual basis and is up to 12,000 EUR per academic year. The tuition is to be paid each semester by the first day of classes. For payment instructions, please contact us .
Financial Support
The financial conditions described below apply only to students who obtained a Master's or equivalent degree prior to their studies at CERGE-EI. The financial support for incoming students with a Bachelor's or equivalent degree will be determined on an individual basis.
In the first year, students at CERGE-EI receive a stipend of 114,000 CZK, paid on monthly installments. This amount can be increased by 18,000-24,000 CZK on the basis of outstanding performance or lowered to the minimum amount of 96,000 CZK ("basic stipend") if the student does not fulfill the academic requirements.
The level of the stipend rises with each successfully completed year (reaching 124,800-249,600 CZK in the fourth year, which is the last year when students is entitled to stipend). The exam amount depends on the academic performance.
With the exception of first-year, first-semester students, students receiving a stipend are typically required to fulfill an assistantship (such as a research assistantship or teaching assistantship) each month as part of their study program.
Fifth-year students receive funding in the form of a salary - through employment as Junior Economic Institute Researchers (JEIRs). Selected third and fourth-year students are eligible for this form of support as well.
The total support package is reviewed each year and is set at a level that enables a single student to afford a dormitory place, eat in the student cafeterias, and cover reasonable incidental expenses in Prague. The package is neither intended nor sufficient for a student to support a family while studying at CERGE-EI.
Czech Government Scholarship
Additional admissions to the Ph.D. program are available for students who are awarded with the Czech Government Scholarship. Holders of this scholarship are also eligible for somewhat higher financial support. The list of countries whose citizens are eligible for the the Czech Government Scholarships vary from year to year. In the past years, the Czech Government Scholarships were available for citizens of the following countries:
Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Panama, Serbia, Vietnam.
Applicants from the above mentioned countries are strongly encouraged to apply. A separate application to the Czech embassy in your country is necessary. Attention! The deadline for the Czech Government Scholarship is around middle of January, 2011! (The exact date varies by the country of residence; please inquire with the Czech embassy.)
Instructions can be found at the Czech Ministry of Education web site:
Detailed instructions:
Application form: