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About Journal.

GeoLines is a series of papers and monothematic volumes of conference abstracts published by the Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Re­pub­lic.

Only original papers will be accept­ed which have not been published previously nor currently submitted for publica­tion elsewhere. The papers are subject to two reviews.

Monothematic volumes of short abstracts (not reviewed) or ex­tended ab­stracts (reviewed) from specialized work­shops and con­ferences will be con­sid­ered as well. However, in case of extended abstracts, the con­ferences and workshops orga­nized and/or co-organized by the Insti­tute of Geo­logy will be preferred.

GeoLines publishes articles in English on primary research in many field of geology (geochemistry, geo­chronology, geophysics, petrology, stratig­ra­phy, palaeontology, environmental geochemistry).

Each GeoLines volume is thematically consistent, con­taining two-three papers on joint topic or, pre­ferably, one large paper or monograph.

More comprehensive systematic and re­gional de­scriptions of wider interest will be appre­ciated.

The journal accepts papers with­in their respective sectors of science with­out national limitations or preferen­ces



The volume of Geolines 22 contains reviewed papers describing results of research which were presented during the 11th Coal Geology Conference held in Prague from 26 to 30 May 2008. The international conference was organized by the Faculty of Science, Charles University, in co-operation and with finantial support of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Severočeské doly, a. s., Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a. s., Vynálezy, s. r. o., Nikon, s. r. o., the Czech Geological Survey, Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Institute of Geonics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Coal Geology Conferences have been taken place at the Faculty of Science every three or four years since 1972. They followed up with coal geology seminars those have been organized since January 1968.

Two paralel technical sessions were held on 27–29 May with exception of the first day morning. Post-conference field trip to the Sokolov and Cheb Tertiary basins was accomplished. The conference was attended by about 70 geologists from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Peoples Republic of China, Egypt, the Nederlands, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Ukraine and United Kingdom. Altogether 39 papers and 13 posters were presented at the conference. Following problems were preferably described: regional and coal geology, coal petrology and chemical-technological properties of coal, exploration and utulization of coal, trace elements in environmental impact of mining and combustion of coal, database of coal seams and the computer maps construction. Forteen of them are published in this volume (shortened foreword of Jiří Pešek –chairman of conference).

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