Doležel J., Greilhuber J.
Klíčová slova:
cytometric techniques; reference standards; genome sequencing; conversion factor; nuclear DNA content; C-value
Correct information on genome size is important in many areas of research. For a long
time, scientists have been struggling to understand the reason for the huge variation in
eukaryotic genome size and its biological significance. More recently, the knowledge on
genome size has become important to structure genome sequencing projects as their
scale and cost depend on genome size. Despite the fact that the first estimates of genome
size in eukaryotes were made more than 50 years ago, we are still not quite sure
about the exact genome size in practically all animal and plant species. Moreover, different
estimates continue to be published for the same species. These discrepancies compromise
data comparison and interpretation and point to methodological problems,
which include standardization. This article assesses the current state of DNA reference
standards for flow cytometry and the issues related to their calibration.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jaroslav Doležel