Seminars / Journal clubs
Seminars are usually held in the seminar room 26, ground floor, building D
(Institute of Physilogy, AV ČR, v.v.i., Vídeňská 1083)
In case you are interested to be notified by email about next seminars let us know.
18.4.2011 (9:30)
- Ondrej PokoraOn estimation of firing rate from superposed record
2.5.2011 (11:00)
- Lubomir KostalNumerical calculation of information capacity for selected neuronal models
9.5.2011 (11:00)
- Ryota KobayashiA method for estimating time-varying synaptic input from a voltage trace
23.5.2011 (11:00)
- Boris Flach (FEL CVUT)Modelling composite shapes by Gibbs Random Fields
30.5.2011 (11:00)
- Massimiliano TamborrinoDetection of the first-spike latency
20.6.2011 (11:00)
- Martin ZapotockyNonlinear oscillators and the control of insect flight
29.9.2010 (11:00)
Internal seminar
- Pavel SandaParallel computing
20.9.2010 (11:00)
- Lubomir KostalMutual information and channel capacity in the weak-signal approximation.
23.6.2010 (11:00)
Guest speaker
- Karel Jezek, Department of Neurophysiology of MemoryDynamics of Population Activity in the Hippocampal Neural Network.
27.5. (14:00)
Internal seminar
- Soma ChakrabortyIndependent Component Analysis of Wingbeat Dynamics in Drosophila.
16.2. (14:30 hod.)
Guest speaker
- Prof. Thomas Hummel, Smell and Taste Clinic, Dresden University Medical School"Why Two Nostrils?"
Guest speaker
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Rospars, Insect Physiology Unit, INRA Versailles:"Olfactory Transduction: How Is an Odour Transduced into an Electrical Signal?"
Guest speaker
- Dr. Pavel Němec, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK:"Neural Mechanisms of Magnetoreception"
Joint seminar with Dept. 33
- Topic: Introduction to electrophysiological and optical recordingsPresented by Jakub Otáhal, Monika Martinková, and Eva Krajčovičová
Internal seminar
- Pavel ŠandaSpike train analysis and population coding of frog olfactory neurons
Joint seminar with Dept. 33
- Topic: Analysis of physiological signalsPresented by Martin Zápotocký and Lubomír Košťál
1.6. (main lecture hall, 11:00)
Guest speaker
- Prof. Peter Mombaerts, Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt"Olfaction Targeted"
8.7. (Wednesday)
Guest speaker
- Prof. Gerd Kempermann, Center for Regenerative Therapies, DresdenGenes and environment in the regulation of adult neurogenesis
Guest speaker
- Doc. Petr Maršálek, 1. LF UK"Consciousness, disorders of consciousness, unconsciousness - incomplete introduction."
7. 4.
Internal seminar
Luboš Košťál
Hypotéza eficientního kódování
21. 4
Internal seminar
Martin Zápotocký
Identita čichových neuronů a jejich propojení s bulbus olfactorius
28. 4.
Internal seminar
Petr Lánský
Journal club (Shlukování - Simon, Radil-Weis, Lánský)
10. 6.
Guest speakers
Steven Fry (Institute of Neuroinformatics, ETH Zurich)
Neuronal control of flight in Drosophila
Ryota Kobayashi (Kyoto University)
Predicting spike times - Quantitative modelling of cortical neurons
19. 9.
Guest speaker
David Bouchain (Ulm University)
Associative memories for cortex modeling