Archival documents and collections

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Our holdings contain the papers of the most significant Czechoslovak personalities over the past fifty years.

  1. Václav Brabec (1929-1990)-member of the staff at the Klement Gottwald Museum, the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, lector at the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, historian of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Time scale and quantity of material: 1956-1987, 20 cartons.
  2. PhDr. Milan Hübl (1927-1989)-functionary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, historian, rector of the Political University of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Time scale and quantity of material: 1947-1989, 24 cartons
  3. MUDr. František Kriegel (1908-1979)-physician, Czechoslovak Communist Party functionary, deputy to the Minister of Health, National Front Parliament Member, chairman of the Central Committee of the National Front. Time scale and quantity of material: 1939-1979, 60 fascicles.
  4. JUDr. Bedrich Rattinger (1911-1991)-lawyer, soldier in the Western army, secretary of the Club of Communist parliament members, professor at Charles University in Prague. Time scale and quantity of material: 1945-1990, 10 cartons.
  5. Vladimír Šolta (1924-1977)-painter, graphic designer, design theoretician and publicist, chief of Army design studies, member of the Federal Parliament. Time scale and quantity of material: 1941-1978, 2 cartons.
  6. Vladimír Václavek (1930-1988)-technician, computer specialist, son of Bedrich Václavek. Time scale and quantity of material: 1930-1987, 1 carton.
  7. JUDr. Jiří Wehle (1909-1990)-lawyer, Czechoslovak Communist Party functionary, ministerial bureaucrat, publicist. Time scale and quantity of material: 1948-1989, 21 cartons.
  8. JUDr. Cyril Horáček (1862-1943)-national economist (student of B. Rieger and A. Bráf), member of the Old Czech (later Agrarian) Party, university lecturer, senator (1920-1925), Minister of Finance in Tusar’s government (1919). Time scale and quantity of material: 1862-1943, 12 cartons.
  9. JUDr. Jiří Hájek (1913-1993)-historian, politician and diplomat, founding member of Charter 77, since 1988 chairman of the Czechoslovak Helsinki Committee. Time scale and quantity of material: 1948-1993, 10 cartons.
  10. Přemysl Pitter (1895-1976)-selection-evangelical thinker, social and spiritual care-giver. Time scale and quantity of material: 1962-1991, 2 cartons.
  11. In July 1995, the Documents Department took possession of some of the papers of Oldřich Jaroš, head of the secretariat of the First Secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party (1968-1969) and later leader of the Federal Parliament of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (1989-1992), Alexander Dubček.
  12. Hubert Ripka (1895-1958)-Czech journalist and politician. Time scale and quantity of material: 1939-1957, 30 cartons.
  13. Adolf Procházka (1900-1970)-lawyer, chairman of the Legal Council of the Czechoslovak Exile Government in London, 1945-1948 Minister of Health (Czechoslovak People’s Party), exile politician. Time scale and quantity of material: 1948-1970, 6 cartons.
  14. Jindřich Pecka (1936-1998)-historian, university professor, musicologist, poet, choreographer, and scenarist. Time scale and quantity of material: 1968-1998, 7 cartons.


  1. JUDr. Theodor Bartošek (1877-1954)-state and legal theoretician, publicist, leftist lawyer. “Memories” (95 typewritten pages).
  2. Vladimír Krajina (1905-1993)-botanist, leading resistance representative during the Protectorate period, postwar secretary of the Czechoslovak National Socialist Party, in Canadian exile between 1948 and 1992. 1st volume of “In the Service of Resistance and Democracy” (3867 typewritten pages)
  3. Přemysl Pitter and Olga Fierz: “Beyond Tumultuous Hatred” (76 typewritten pages)-P. Pitter. “Coincidence or Providence: Memories of a Fifty Year Blessed Friendship” (63 typewritten pages)- O. Fierz.
  4. Jindřich Šaroch (1922)-journalist: “Memories of the Development of Thought among Contemporaries of the Generation Born in the 1920s” (148 typewritten pages).
  5. Čestmír Císař: “Pages of Fate: A Book of Memories and Considerations” (928 pages).
  6. Jaroslav Bláha: “Even Infantrymen Have Names. Memories” (130 pages).
  7. Milena Tauchmannová: “Biography of JUDr. Alice Glasnerová” (143 pages).
  8. Lilly Pavlová: “I Was Never Bored. My Life with Josef Pavel: International Brigade Volunteer and Minister” (91 pages).
  9. Vladimír Herčík: “War and Other Adventures of a Czechoslovak Evangelist during the Second World War” (208 pages).
  10. Jaroslav Trnka: “Memories of the Wartime Period in France, 1939-1940” (385 pages)

Writings of Civic Initiatives, Organizations, and Movements

  1. Charter 77-documentary materials of the Federal Interior Ministry. Time scale and quantity of material: 1977-1989, 15 cartons.
  2. Investigative reports of the Secret Police (St.B) in Prague – three trials of dissidents and chartists. Time scale and quantity of material: 1969-1979, 8 cartons (originals), 5 cartons (copies).
  3. Club of Engaged Non-Communists. Time scale and quantity of material: 1968-1991, 2 cartons.
  4. Specialist Institute of the Civic Forum. Time scale and quantity of material: 1990-1991, 6 cartons.
  5. The editorial board of the weekly “Forum”. Time scale and quantity of material: 1989-1991, 1 carton.
  6. Independent Peace Association-Initiative for the Demilitarization of Society. Time scale and quantity of material: 1988-1989, 1 carton.
  7. Regeneration-Club for Social Reconstruction. Time scale and quantity of material: 1988-1989, 1 carton.
  8. Notes of meetings of the leadership of the Central Council of Unions-photocopies from the General Union Archive. Time scale and quantity of material: 1948-1953, 2 cartons.
  9. Civic Forum-Coordination Center (Prague). Time scale and quantity of material: 1989-1991, 300 packages, 120 cartons. The collection of Civic Forum-Coordination Center materials is systematically updated with audiovisual and written materials, which, for the most part, have until recently been kept in private hands. An exceptional source are the recordings of internal dealings of the Coordination Center of the Civic Forum from the end of November and throughout December of 1989 (30 ninety-minute audio cassettes) that were compiled by Václav Havel’s personal secretary, Vladimír Hanzel. These recordings represent a unique source for the analysis of and familiarization with the anti-totalitarian revolution as it unfolded inside the unified forces of the opposition. The collection Civic Forum-Coordination Center is supplemented by writings from the personal archives of significant actors (for example: Jan Urban, Josef Vavroušek, Ivan Havel, Radim Palouš, Petr Pithart).

Thematic Collections

  1. Collection of Documents of the Government Commission for the Analysis of Events in the Years 1967-1970. Quantity of material: 168 cartons of documents, 280 books, 170 interviews, 30 specialist studies, and 28 cartons of periodicals.
  2. František Cigánek Collection. Time scale and quantity of material: 1968-1990, 3 cartons. Contents: Documentation from 1968-1969, 1970-1988 (documents on Charter 77, groupings of samizdat texts), documentation on 1989.
  3. Karel Jaroš Collection-(Secretary of the Defensive Security Committee of the National Parliament). Time scale and quantity of material: 1968-1977, 16 cartons. Contents: Documentation on 1968-1969
  4. O. Křižanovský Collection (Rakovník). Time scale and quantity of material: 1950-1970, 3 cartons. Contents: Documentation on 1968-1969 in the Rakovník region.
  5. Jaroslav G. Polach Collection (Czechoslovak Society for Arts and Sciences, U.S.A.). Time scale and quantity of material: 1957-1977, 7 cartons. Contents: Documentation on the activities of the Czechoslovak Society for Arts and Sciences in the U.S.A. between 1957 and 1977.
  6. Jiří Ruml Collection. Time scale and quantity of material: 1967-1989, 16 cartons. Contents: Samizdat and exile publications from 1970 and 1989.
  7. Valentin Schiebl Collection. Time scale and quantity of material: 1968-1969, 1 carton. Contents: Documents of the Local Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party in Brno from 1968 to 1969.
  8. Collection of samizdat publications concerning Czechoslovak history. (S. Budín, J. Hájek, M. Hájek, J. Jablonický, K. Kaplan, J. Kren, H. Margoliová, J. Opat, M. Reiman, F. Šamalík, V. Vrabec, R. Zukal, J. Mezník, V. Precan, F. Kolman, R. Váhala, historical studies, collections of essays on Czechoslovak history). Time scale and quantity of material: 1978-1989, 6 cartons (collection is open).
  9. Collection of samizdat periodicals (Kritický sborník, Zpravodaj cs. helsinského výboru, Ekologický bulletin, Sport, Most atd., Zpravodaj HOS, Alternativa.). Time scale and quantity of material: 1982-1989, 2 cartons (collection is open).
  10. Periodicals and documents of the Czechoslovak emigration from the Embassy of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in Paris (Našim ve Francii, Volontaire tchécoslovaque, Život, Oběžník české katolické misie Paříž, Čechoslovák, Vídeňské svobodné listy, Hlasy z Říma.). Time scale and quantity of material: 1945-1973, 1 carton.
  11. Documents on the activities of the Commission on Czechoslovak History after 1945 (part of the Historical Institute of the Czechoslovak Communist Party). Time scale and quantity of material: 1964-1969, 2 cartons.
  12. Original video journal. Special edition 1-9 (6 hours). Contents: Audiovisual documentation of the November and December days of 1989 in Prague.
  13. “Letters of German Mařenka” Collection. Contents: Correspondence between a German woman from Svitavy and a Czech evangelical clergyman after the transfer of the Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1946-1952, 13 letter.


X.sjezd českých historiků Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus

Current events in picture

Mezinárodní konference "Liberal Democracy, Authoritarian Pasts, and the Legacy of 1989", 20-22. května 2011
