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19 Mar 09 - 3 Aug 13
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ENHR Conference in Prague 2009


The role and the “power” of housing and mortgage markets is quickly changing around the world especially by increasing influence these markets have on wider economy and sustainable development of many societies (social cohesion). While many conditions especially in economic and institutional spheres stimulate certain convergence and integrations of housing markets, many locally specific conditions namely in social and cultural areas contribute to differences and segmentations within housing markets. Unification and differentiation go hand in hand.

Do we need new paradigm to enable a better understanding of changing housing markets?
Have traditionally local housing markets become global?
Will record house price appreciations be followed by record price falls?
How should we deal with the consequences of income polarization and housing market segmentation?


28. 6. – 1. 7. 2009



Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation


phone: 00420 732 629 528, please respect our time zone GMT/UTC +1 hour

fax: 00420 222 220 143


date to remeber

Submitting of abstract is closed.

Deadline for submission of papers – 1 June 2009.

Deadline for submission of papers for The Hypoteční Banka Award for the best ENHR Prague 2009 conference paper - 30 April 2009.

The deadline for registration and payment is 10 June 2009.


The next conference will be held in Istanbul, more information in the brochure.

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