Name: Bend sensing with long-period gratings inscribed by CO2 laser in conventional and microstructure optical fibers of selected types
Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation
Principal investigator: Daniela Berková, Ph.D.
Member: Zbyněk Berka, Ph.D.; Prof. Jiří Čtyroký, DSc.; Miloš Hayer, Ph.D.; Pavel Honzátko, Ph.D.; Miroslav Chomát, Ph.D.; Jiří Kaňka, Ph.D.; Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.; Vlastimil Matějec, Ph.D.; Marie Pospíšilová, Ph.D.; Radan Slavík, Ph.D., DSc.; Filip Todorov, Ph.D.
From: 2006-01-01
To: 2008-12-31

The project is aimed at the development of two novel sensing structures in which long-period gratings (LPGs) inscribed by a CO2 laser in optical fibers are employed for bend sensing. A basic feature of the first structure, built on an LPG in a conventional fiber of a certain type, will be its insensitivity to the external index of refraction, allowing the coated or embedded LPGs to be reliably operated even under harsh conditions. This structure, based on a designed fiber with a parabolic-index profile in the cladding, will be optimized for both bending sensitivity and index insensitivity and tested in model structural monitoring. The second structure will be built on LPGs in microstructure fibers (MSFs). These LPGs, which exhibit an attractive feature of temperature insensitivity, have not been explored for bend sensing yet. First, a method for LPG inscription in MSFs available will be developed and bending sensitivity of the produced LPGs measured. Further, an LPG-MSF sensing structure with an arrangement of air holes optimized for bend sensitivity, will be developed and tested.