PhDr. Hana Hašková, Ph.D.

senior research fellow and deputy head of department
Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
210 310 351
Highest completed education
  • 2009: PhD., sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
  • Field of specialisation
    • sociology, gender studies and population studies
    • sociology of family and intimate life
    • fertility and childlessness
    • life-course perspective
    • motherhood and mothering
    • childbirth discourses and practices
    • family policies in historical and international perspective
    • gender inequalities on the labor market
    • work-care relations and social citizenship
    • women´s civic participation in Central and Eastern Europe
    Teaching activities
    • 2009/2010: course Genderová struktura české společnosti (Gendered structure of Czech society), School of Humanities, Charles University, together with Alena Křížková
    • 2009/2010: course Gender a rodina (Gender and family), Faculty of Science, Charles University
    • Seminar for students from The George  Washington University (Washington D.C.), Women in Czech Society, 21.5.2009
    • 2008/2009: course Gender a rodina (Gender and family), Faculty of Science, Charles University
    • 2008: Seminar for students from The George  Washington University (Washington D.C.), The Position of Women in Czech Society, 29.5.2008
    • 2008/2009: 2007/2008: course Gender a rodina (Gender and family), Faculty of Science, Charles University
    • 2007/2008: course Genderová struktura české společnosti (Gendered structure of Czech society), School of Humanities, Charles University
    • 2006/2007: course Genderová struktura české společnosti (Gendered structure of Czech society), School of Humanities, Charles University, together with Alena Křížková
    • 2006/2007: course Sociologie genderu a rodiny (Sociology of gender and family), Faculty of social sciences, Charles University
    • 2005/2006: course Genderová struktura české společnosti (Gendered structure of Czech society), School of Humanities, Charles University, together with Alena Křížková

    • 2004/2005: course Sociologie genderu a rodiny (Sociology of gender and family), Faculty of social sciences, Charles University

    • 2004/2005: course Gender a rodina (Gender and family), Faculty of Science, Charles University

    • 2004/2005: course Genderová struktura české společnosti I. (Gendered structure of Czech society I.), School of Humanities, Charles University

    • 2003/2004: course Vybrané otázky sociologie rodiny (Selected issues in sociology of family), Faculty of social sciences, Charles University

    • 2003/2004: course Úvod do studia genderu (Introduction to gender studies), Faculty of Science, Charles University
    • 2003/2004: course Gender a společnost (Gender and society), Faculty of education, University in České Budějovice, together with Marie Čermáková, Alice Červinková, Alena Křížková, Marcela Linková, Hana Maříková and Radka Radimská
    • 2003/2004: course Gender a společnost (Gender and society), High school and college Perspektiva, together with Marie Čermáková, Alena Křížková, Hana Maříková and Radka Radimská

    • 2002/2003: course Úvod do studia genderu (Introduction to gender studies), Faculty of Science, Charles University

    Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad
    • 2006, listopad: Vienna Institute for demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Rakousko

    • 2005, august-december: Population Research Centre, University of Groningen, Netherlands, RTN Marie Curie fellowship

    • 2004, october-november: Department of Sociology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

    • 2004, september-october: Department of Women's and Gender Studies, Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S.

    • 2004, april-may: Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Tampere, Finland

    • 2003, 30.8. – 4.9.: The fifth ECSR international summer school for postgraduate students Integrating Theory and Research on European Values and Identities, Queen´s University Belfast, Northern Ireland

    • 2002, december: Intensive course Gender, reproductive health and fertility for international students, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

    • 2002, september-october: Institute of philosophy and sociology, Polish academy of sciences, Warsaw, Poland

    • 2001, december - 2002, november: Cycle of four seminars for doctoral students Conflict over the Women’s Question, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

    • 2001, november-december: London School of Economics and Political Science, London, Great Britain
    Membership or position in academic committees, boards, and institutions


    • since 2009: Member of library board of the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    • since 2009: Member of an evaluation commitee, Company of the Year: Equal Opportunities Award (
    • 2007 - 2011: Member of Femcit Knowledge Management and Dissemination Commitee, EC 6RP
    • since 2005: Member of editorial board - journal Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum
    • 2000 – 2004: Member of editorial board - bulletin Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum
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