Mass spectrometers
LTQ Orbitrap XLLTQ Orbitrap XL (Thermo Fisher Scientific) is a hybrid FT mass spectrometer combines a linear ion trap MS and the Orbitrap mass analyzer. Ions generated by API (APCI, ESI, nanoESI) are collected in the LTQ XL followed by axial ejection to the C-shaped storage trap which is used to store and collisionally cool ions before injection into the orbitral trap. The ions transferred from the C-Trap are captured in the orbitral trap by rapidly increasing the electric field and the detection of the image current from coherent ion packets takes place after the voltages have stabilized. Signals from each of the orbitral trap outer electrodes are amplified and transformed into a frequency spectrum by fast Fourier transformation which is finally converted into a mass spectrum. Dynamic range up tu 2000 u, excelent mass accuracy (better then 5 ppm), fast cycle times for MS/MS experiments and high sensitivity are features of this instrument. LTQ Orbitrap XL can be coupled to UHPLC system for LC/MS applications. This instrument was installed in January 2008.
LCQ FleetLCQ Fleet (Thermo Fisher Scientific) is a 3D ion trap mass spectrometer capable of multiple stage (MSn) analyses. The instrument has an atmospheric pressure ionization source that supports ESI and APCI probes. The optimal mass range of the spectra is 50 - 2000 Da. LCQ Fleet can be coupled to HPLC system for LC/MS applications. Applications include clinical and forensic toxicology, natural product analysis, impurity analysis, metabolite profiling and general analytical chemistry. This instrument was installed in February 2008.
Q-Tof microQ-Tof micro (Waters) is a quadrupole orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer that enables exact mass measurement in both MS and MS/MS modes of analysis. ESI, nano-ESI and APCI ion sources are available. Q-Tof micro is coupled to CapLC capillary HPLC for tryptic digest separations. The instrument was installed in 2004.
Reflex IVReflex IV (Bruker Daltonics, Germany) is a MALDI-TOF instrument equipped with nitrogen UV laser (337 nm). Mass range is up to 100 kDa (reflectron) or >750 kDa (linear mode). Resolution is >25.000 in reflectron mode. The instrument was installed in 2002.
Agilent 5975B MSDAgilent 5975B MSD is a quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to 6890N gas chromatograph. Mass range is up to 1050 u. GC is equipped with split/splitless injector and HP-5 capillary column. The instrument was installed in 2006.
Sample preparation
Proteineer Spot PickerProteineer Spot Picker (Bruker Daltonics, Germany) enables automated 2D gel imaging, spot detection and selection from 2D gels into 96 micro well plates. This instrument was installed in 2002.
Proteineer Digest & Prep WorkstationProteineer Digest & Prep Workstation (Bruker Daltonics, Germany) is an integrated workstation for gel spot digestion and processing including MALDI preparation. The instrument was installed in 2002.