Education |
1975-1978 | Ph.D. (CSc.) in organic chemistry, supervisor Prof. M. Černý at Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. |
1967-1973 | RNDr. in organic chemistry, supervisor Prof. M. Černý at Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. |
Experience |
1992-1994 | Visiting research scientist at Department of Protein Engineering of CEN Saclay, France. |
1978 | French Government Scholarship, supervisor Prof. J. Defaye, Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales C.N.R.S., Grenoble, France. |
Appointments |
since 2007 | Head of the Radioisotope Laboratory, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. |
2002-2003 | Head of the HPLC Laboratory, Ecochem a.s., Prague. |
2001-2002 | Excerptor for Beilstein's pharmacological database. |
1999-2000 | Managing Director of Czech-French joint venture ISOTOPCHIM CZ Ltd. |
1994-2000 | Assistant professor, than associate professor at Department of Organic Chemistry and Radiochemistry of Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. |
1988-1993 | Head of the Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. |
1978-1987 | Research scientist at the Institute for Research, Production and Application of Radioisotopes, Prague. |
1973-1974 | Research assistant at Laboratory of monosacharides, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague. |
Memberships |
since 2007 | American Chemical Society |
since 1989 | International Isotope Society |
since 1975 | Czech Chemical society (since 2005 associate member of Board of Directors) |
Teaching |
since 2005 | Supervisor of Ph.D. students. |
1994-2000 | Assistant professor than associate professor, lectures on organic chemistry and on application of radioisotopes in life sciences,supervisor of master theses, Department of Organic Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague. |
Research interest |
Syntheses of biologically active compounds labeled by radioisotopes and their application in the life sciences. |