Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

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HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

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IBM Cases studies, 5.3.2010.

IBM iDataPlex has a really...

Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

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The role of Coulomb and hadronic interactions in elastic collisions of charged nucleons

High energy elastic proton collisions due to hadronic interactions happen practically at all admissible values of the four momentum transfer squared t, while at small |t| also the Coulomb interaction contributes. The hitherto description of the effect of both interactions with the help of the complete elastic amplitude proposed by West and Yennie, which is applied in today's analyses of elastic scattering of charged hadrons is, however, not theoretically consistent as shown in Ref. [1]: as far as the phase of elastic hadronic amplitude is considered t dependent the relative phase between the Coulomb and the hadronic amplitudes must be complex, not real. The correct description of elastic differential cross section in the whole region of measured t can be accomplished by the method based on the eikonal model [2]. The new approach enables one to perform the most precise analysis of elastic scattering pp data at energies up to 14 TeV in the TOTEM experiment (LHC at CERN). Its experimental lay-out and program is described in detail in Ref. [3].

[1] V. Kundrát, M. Lokajíček, I. Vrkoč: Phys. Lett. B656 (2007) 182
[2] V. Kundrát, M. Lokajíček: Phys. Lett.B611 (2005) 102
[3] G. Anelli,..., J. Kašpar, V. Kundrát, M. Lokajíček, et al.: „The TOTEM experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider“, 2008 JINST 3 S08007

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