Creation of a BAC resource to study the structure and evolution of the banana (Musa balbisiana) genome

Šafář, Jan; Noa-Carrazana, J. C.; Vrána, Jan; Bartoš, Jan; Alkhimova, Olena; Lheureux, F.; Šimková, Hana; Caruana, M. L.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Piffanelli, P.
GENOME 47 : 1182-1191 , 2004
Keywords: bacterial artificial chromosome library; banana; BAC-FISH

Analysis and sorting of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosomes using flow cytometry

Doleželová, Marie; Valárik, Miroslav; Bartoš, Jan; Vrána, Jan; Číhalíková, Jarmila; Molnár-Láng, M.; Doležel, Jaroslav
GENOME 46 : 893-905 , 2003
Keywords: Chromosome sorting; fluorescence in situ hybridization; repetitive DNA sequences
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