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Týden vědy a techniky 2011 - Science and Technology Week 2011

Týden vědy a techniky (TVT) je nejrozsáhlejší vědecký festival v České republice. Koná se každoročně v měsíci listopadu a v roce 2010 proběhl již v pořadí 10. ročník. Široká veřejnost a především studenti středních škol mají možnost nahlédnout do nejrůznějších laboratoří a knihoven a poznat, jak se dělá věda. Badatelé z výzkumných pracovišť AV ČR připravují širokou nabídku exkurzí, přednášek, výstav a diskusních večerů, ve kterých představují své výzkumné projekty, předvádějí nejmodernější vědecké přístroje a experimenty a přibližují návštěvníkům nejnovější trendy v oblasti vědy.

Science and Technology Week is the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR). It takes place each year at the beginning of November and it is going to be already the 11th annual event in 2011. Students and teachers at secondary schools as well as the wider public have the opportunity to look into many research workplaces, laboratories and libraries and learn ‘how science is done’.

Fluid-Structure Interaction for Biomedical Applications, Praha, 29 August - 2 September 2011

The aim of the summer school FSIforBIO 2011 organized by the Institute of Mathematics AS CR and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University is to present a comprehensive series of lectures on modern as well as classical problems related to fluid-structure interaction. The emphasis will be on mathematical, computational and experimental topics originating in biomedical applications. The summer school course is prepared for graduate students, young scientist and other interested specialists.

Differential Equations - Stochastic & Deterministic, Prague, June 13-14, 2011

Ivo Vrkoč celebrated his eightieth birthday on June 10, 2011. On this occasion, Ivo’s former students and recent coauthors decided to organise a small colloquium devoted to some of the topics Ivo has contributed to significantly, namely the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations and stochastic analysis. The colloquium will be held in the Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS CR in Praha. Honouring his significant life work the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic awarded Ivo Vrkoč the Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merit in the Mathematical Sciences.

Programme of the colloquium:


A tribute to Miroslav Fiedler on his 85th birthday

The Institute of Computer Science AS CR and the Institute of Mathematics AS CR organized a celebration seminar in villa Lanna on 7 June 2011. Professor Frank J. Hall from Georgia State University, Atlanta, delivered a lecture to honour Professor Miroslav Fiedler and his outstanding life work.

  Report in the Academic Bulletin

Ordinary Differential Equations and Theory of Integral, Praha, 28 April 2011

The Institute of Mathematics AS CR organized a special workshop in honour of the 85th birthday of Jaroslav Kurzweil.

Programme of the workshop:


Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for scientific results of extraordinary significance

On Septemeber 30, 2010, Pavel Pudlák, Emil Jeřábek, Jan Krajíček a Jiří Sgall received Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for scientific results of extraordinary significance from the President of the Academy of Sciences Prof. Jiří Drahoš for their work Theory, proofs and computational complexity.