W16 - East European Housing & Urban Policy

The workshop will focus on housing policy evaluation and assessment of different strategies to encourage the provision of affordable housing in Central and East European cities. The emphasis is on housing policy responses (e.g. demand- and supply-based subsidies) to make housing more affordable to vulnerable groups, to ensure access to social/public housing, as well as to encourage rehabilitation of multi-family housing. Particular emphasis is given to the urban dimension of affordability in the context of economic, social and political change. We would also very much welcome papers based on comparative empirical research on the impact of different housing policy instruments on housing affordability in different cities and/or countries. The WG is soliciting contributions for an edited volume on social housing in the region to complement the range of papers presented at the 2008 workshop in Budapest organized by the Metropolitan Research Institute.
All enquiries about the workshop should be sent to Sasha Tsenkova or József Hegedüs.

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