Accepted Papers

  • Accepted Papers will successively appear in a printed version of the journal.

  • These papers are in preparation and have not been copyedited yet.

  • The full on-line version of accepted articles published as Pre-Press articles   are available in pdf files, prepared by the authors.

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Adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteoblasts on surface-modified materials developed for bone implants
M. Vandrovcová, L. Bačáková
Pre-press article

The role of smooth muscle cells in vessel wall pathophysiology and reconstruction using bioactive synthetic polymers. A review
M. Pařízek, K. Novotná, L. Bačáková
Pre-press article

Stochastic model explains role of excitation and inhibition in binaural sound localization in mammals
M. Drapal, P. Marsalek
Pre-press article

N-acetylcysteine treatment prevents the up-regulation of MnSOD in chronically hypoxic rat hearts
P Balková, M Hlaváčková, M Milerová, J Neckář, F Kolář, F Novák, O Nováková
Pre-press article

Short-term regulation of adiponectin secretion in rat adipocytes
T. Szkudelski, L. Nogowski, K. Szkudelska
Pre-press article

Tissue concentrations of vasoactive intestinal peptide are affected by peritonitis-induced sepsis and hemofiltration in pigs
J Kuncová, J Chvojka, R Sýkora, J Švíglerová, M Štengl, L Nalos, A Kroužecký, M Matějovič
Pre-press article

Calsequestrin distribution, structure and function, its role in normal and pathological situations and the effect of thyroid hormones. A review
P. Novák, T. Soukup
Pre-press article

Plasma hepcidin correlates positively with interleukin-6 in patients undergoing pulmonary endarterectomy
P. Maruna, M. Vokurka, J. Lindner
Pre-press article

Comparison of Doppler flow Tei-indexes with pulmonary artery thermodilution measurement of cardiac output in an experimental porcine model
J. Kobr, V. Třeška, J. Moláček, V. Kuntscher, V. Liška, Z. Slavík
Pre-press article

The B2 receptor of bradykinin is not essential for the post-exercise increase in glucose uptake by insulin-stimulated mouse skeletal muscle
G G Schweitzer, C M Castorena, T Hamada, K Funai, E B Arias, G D Cartee
Pre-press article

The influence of monovalent cations on trimeric G protein G(i)1alpha activity in HEK293 cells stably expressing DOR- G(i)1alpha (Cys(351)-Ile(351)) fusion protein
M. Vosahlikova, P. Svoboda
Pre-press article

Osteogenic differentiation of miniature pig mesenchymal stem cells in 2D and 3D environment
J. Juhásová, Š. Juhás, J. Klíma, J. Strnádel, M. Holubová, J. Motlík Jr
Pre-press article

Differential oxidative stress responses to D-Galactosamine-lipopolysaccharide hepatotoxicity based on real time PCR analysis of selected oxidant/antioxidant and apoptotic gene expressions in rat
N. Lekić, D. Černý, A. Hořínek, Z. Provazník, J. Martínek, H. Farghali
Pre-press article

Mechanical properties of mitral allografts are not reasonably influenced by cryopreservation in sheep model
J. Hlubocký, A. Mokráček, V. Nováček, J. Vojáček, J. Burkert, P. Kochová, J. Klepáček, J. Pepper, J. Špatenka
Pre-press article

In vitro assessment of iron on porcine ovarian granulosa cells: secretory activity, markers of proliferation and apoptosis
A. Kolesarova, M. Capcarova, M. Medvedova, A. Sirotkin, J. Kovacik
Pre-press article

DNA repair: exploiting the Fanconi anemia pathway as a potential therapeutic target
T. Hucl, E. Gallmeier
Pre-press article


Mast-cell degranulation induced by physical stimuli involves the activation of Transient-Receptor-Potential Channel TRPV2
D. Zhang, A. Spielmann, L .Wang, G. Ding, F. Huang, Q. Gu, W. Schwarz
Pre-press article

DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation in embryonic diploid fibroblasts WI-38 induces both apoptosis and senescence
J. Cmielova, R. Havelek, A. Jiroutova, R. Kohlerova, M. Seifrtova, D. Muthna, J. Vavrova, M. Rezacova
Pre-press article

Gut peptide hormones and paediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus
M. Huml, J. Kobr, K. Siala, J. Varvařovská, R. Pomahačová, M. Karlíková, J. Sýkora
Pre-press article

Effect of the daily ingestion of a purified anthocyanin extract from grape skin on rat serum antioxidant capacity
Lionetto M.G., Giordano M.E., Calisi A., Erroi E., De Nuccio F., Schettino T.
Pre-press article

Functional coordination of motor activity in colonic smooth muscles in rat experimental model
N. Nedialkova, G. Stavreva, N. Negrev, C. Ivancheva, R. Radomirov
Pre-press article

Effects of acoustic stimuli on neuronal activity in the auditory cortex of the rat
Y. Zhang, L. Han, X. Xiao, B. Hu, H. Ruan, Y. Xiong
Pre-press article

Oxime reactivators and their in vivo and in vitro effects on nicotinic receptors
O.Soukup, J. Krusek, M. Kaniakova, U. K. Kumar, M. Oz, D. Jun, J. Fusek, K. Kuca, G. Tobin
Pre-press article

Quantitative ballistocardiography (Q-BCG) for measurement of cardiovascular dynamics
Z.M. Trefný, J. Svačinka, O. Kittnar, J. Slavíček, M. Trefný, E. Filatova, J.A. Tichý, P. Smrčka, M. Stork, M. Loučka
Pre-press article

Atrioventricular conduction time in foetuses assessed by Doppler echocardiography
V. Tomek, J. Janoušek, O. Reich, J. Gilík, R. A. Gebauer, J. Škovránek
Pre-press article

Antioxidants aleviate nicotine-induced platelet aggregation in cerebral arterioles of mice in vivo
M.A. Fahim, A. Nemmar, S. Singh, M. Hassan
Pre-press article

Role of L-DOPA in spinal nociceptive reflex activity: higher sensitivity of Adelta versus C fibre-evoked nociceptive reflexes to L-DOPA
E. D. Schomburg, P. Dibaj, H. Steffens
Pre-press article

Modulation of myocardial stiffness by beta-adrenergic stimulation – its role in normal and failing heart
I. Falcão-Pires, A. P. Fontes-Sousa, L. Lopes-Conceição, C. Brás-Silva, A. F. Leite-Moreira
Pre-press article

Exercise training enhances flow-mediated dilation in spontaneously hypertensive rats
F. Gündüz, G. Koçer, S. Ülker, H. J. Meiselman, O. K. Başkurt, Ü. K. Şentürk
Pre-press article

Serum concentrations of fibroblast growth factor 19 in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus: the influence of acute hyperinsulinemia, very-low calorie diet and PPAR-alpha agonist treatment
M. Mraz, Z. Lacinova, P. Kavalkova, D. Haluzikova, P. Trachta, J. Drapalova, V. Hanusova, M. Haluzik
Pre-press article

Chondroitinase ABC treatment and the phenotype of neural progenitor cells isolated from injured rat spinal cord
L.Slovinska, I.Novotna, D.Cizkova
Pre-press article

Actualized 14/6/2011


Bibliographic information:
Physiological Research (online) ISSN 1802-9973
Physiological Research (print) ISSN 0862-8408

© 2011 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences