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Education: Prague Conservatory – Degree in Piano (1969); Charles University Prague, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy – Master's degree in Musicology (1972) and in Nordic Studies (1997); Ibid – Ph.D. candidate in Musicology (1972–1975); Ph.D. (1981)

Teaching experience: Charles University Prague, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Department of Music History; later on: Department of History and Theory of Music, Theatre, and Film; today: Institute of Musicology: Assistant (1976–1994), Assistant Professor (1994–2002), and Professor (since Nov 1, 2002); University of Copenhagen (DK), Institute of Musicology: Visiting Professor (1993–1994); visiting lectures and courses at universities and other institutions in the USA (San Diego, New Orleans, Washington D.C.), Germany (Bochum, Duisburg, Karlsruhe, Tubingen), Austria (Vienna, Linz, Bregenz), Switzerland (Basel, Zurich), Denmark (Copenhagen, Aarhus), in the Czech and Slovak Republic (Brno, Olomouc, Bratislava) a.o.
Further professional activities: Director of the Institute of Musicology (Charles University Prague, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, since Oct 1, 2002); research fellow in what used to be the Institute for Musicology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2000–2002), now Deputy Director and Head of the Department of Music History of the Institute of Ethnology of the ASCR, p.r.i. (since Jan 1, 2003); members of the Board of the Institute (Institute of Ethnology of the ASCR, 2007–); member of the Scientific Board of National Museum in Prague (2006– ), of National Library of the CR (2004– ), and of the Institute of Ethnology of the ASCR (2003– ); guarantee for the academic programme General Theory and History of Arts and Culture at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University Prague (2003– ); member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University Prague and head of the Commission for grants and scholarships of the AS (2000–2004); member of the Advisory Area Committee for Human and Social Sciences of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic (2000–2006 ); member of the Research Group for the History of Music in Central and East Europe – formerly at the Technical University in Chemnitz, now at the University of Leipzig (2000– ); member of the Programme Committee of the International Musicological Colloquium in Brno (CZ, 1999–2002 ); member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Hudebni veda" (Musicology, 1998– ); member of the Evaluating Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for Research in the Area of Music (1997– ); President of the Czech Musicological Society (1997–2001); member of the Board of Advisors of the National Museum – Czech Museum of Music in Prague (1992–); member of the Antonin Dvorak Society (SAD, Prague), of the Antonin Dvorak Society for Czech and Slovak Music (London), of the International Martinu Circle (Prague), of the Czech Society for 18th-Century Research, Zdenek Fibich Society, and the Kapralova Society (Toronto, Canada); co-founder and manager of the Music Historian's Club at the Institute of Musicology of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Charles University Prague (1990–2000, together with Dr. Marta Ottlova) a.o.
Research interests and projects: music and music theatre of 18th – 20th centuries; aesthetics of music; critical editing of 19th- and 20th-century music; Bohemian composers of 19th and 20th centuries (V. J. Tomasek, B. Smetana, A. Dvorak, J. Suk, J. B. Foerster, B. Martinu, a.o.); Scandinavian music; methodological problems in current musicology; co-ordinator and investigator of research projects “The New Complete Edition of the Works of Antonin Dvorak. Source Examination and Editorial Preparation of Selected Volumes” (supported by the Czech Science Foundation, 2008–2012), “Neue Gesamtausgabe der Werke von Antonin Dvorak – Eroffnungsphase und Editionsvorbereitung der ersten Bande” (joint Czech-German project, 2006–2007), “Editorial Centre for Critical Publishing of Bohemian Music Monuments of 17th – 20th Centuries” (supported by the ASCR, 2005–2009), "Fragen der Musikphilologie: Die Editionsproblematik der Musik des 19. und fruhen 20. Jahrhunderts in den Oeuvres von Antonin Dvorak und Bohuslav Martinu" (joint Czech-German project, 2004–2005); "Sources for the History of Music in Bohemian Lands: Locating, Examination, and Critical Editing (doctoral project supported by the Czech Science Foundation, 2003–2007); "Preliminary and Opening Phase of the New Critical Edition of the Complete Works by Antonin Dvorak" (supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, 2000–2004), and "The New Critical Edition of the Works of Antonin Dvorak" (1st Phase, 2001–2003); member of the Editorial Boards of the New Complete Edition of the Works of Antonin Dvorak (2004– ) and of the Complete Critical Edition of the Works of Bohuslav Martinu (2003– ); scientific guarantee and secretary of the international musicological conference "The Work of Antonin Dvorak. Aspects of Composition-Problems of Editing-Reception" (Prague, Sept 9 – 11, 2004) a.o.
Bibliography (1972–2007): Bohemian music; Antonin Dvorak; Bohuslav Martinu; other than Bohemian music and letters; editions and translations; textbooks and manuals
Contact: Ustav hudebni vedy FF UK, nam. J. Palacha 2, CZ-11638 Praha 1, 4th floor / 403, phone +420221619222(4), fax +420221619386, e-mail jarmila.gabrielova [at]; Kabinet hudebni historie Etnologickeho ustavu AV CR, v.v.i., Puskinovo nam. 9, CZ-16000 Praha 6, phone +420202330934, fax +420224324728, e-mail gabrielova [at]




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