Email: radim.hladik[at]gmail.com
09/2009 – 06/2010 Columbia
University, New York, USA
- visiting
student-researcher at the Dpt. of Sociology
- Sociology, research doctorate (Ph.D.) program, ongoing
02/2009 – 03/2009 University
of Cape Town, South Africa
- one-month-long
research visit at the Centre for Popular Memory
- First-degree doctorate (PhDr.) awarded in Media and Mass Communication
- Media Studies major, Master's program
- Mgr. degree (M.A. equivalent) awarded in 2006, Summa Cum Laude
- Institute on Political Journalism: certified summer program
- intensive French language course
- Program in International Education: one-year, non-degree exchange program
2000-2003 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of
Social Sciences
- Journalism major, undergraduate
- Bc. degree (B.A. equivalent)
awarded in 2003, Summa Cum Laude
- Law major, Master's program, studies discontinued without a degree
2008-present researcher; executive editor –
Theory of Science journal (part-time since April 2008)
- The
Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Jílská 1, 110 00 Prague
- The Centre for Science, Technology, and Society
independent research, academic translation, manuscripts reviewing
2006-2007 Officer-Specialist at the
European Affairs Unit (Oct. 2006 – Oct. 2007)
- Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports, Karmelitská 7, 118 12 Prague 1
- Preparations of the Czech EU Presidency - training,
logistics, and content
- National Lifelong
Learning Strategy coordinator
- Representative at
the Education and Training workgroup of the European
Commission & Education Committee of the Council of
the EU
- Organizing conferences and seminars,
updating website, office duties
2005 Editor (2
months, full-time)
internship - Bureau of National
Affairs, Inc., Washington, DC, USA
- Construction Labor Report: researching and writing
articles for publication
2004 Research Assistant (4 months,
- Bard College,
Department of Sociology, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA
- Manuscript editing (Donnelly, M. a Straus, M. A. (eds.): Corporal
Punishment of
Children in Theoretical Perspective. New Haven. Yale University
Press, 2005.),
research, handling administrative work
2002-2003 Student-Editor (6
months, part-time)
internship - The New Presence - political and cultural
quarterly, Národní 11, 11000 Prague
- Assisting in office duties, researching and writing
articles for publication
continuously translating (reversibly:
English-Czech); articles in the printed media (e.g. A2,
Rock&Pop); project management („Na stopě“ -
website project of
the Czech Business Representation); assisting
administration and teaching at
the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles
Spring 2009 seminář Média a modernita. [Media and Modernity seminar]. (M.A. in
Fall 2008 Film and Memory. (FAMU International M.A. progam)
Fall 2008 Přehled
dějin a teorie médií. [Introduction to Media History and Theory]. (FAMU)
- “Memories of the
States, Histories of the Historians: Epistemologies of the Pasts in the Czech
Republic and South Africa” at the Cave
Hill Philosophy Symposium 2009, Conversations V: Theories of Knowledge, November
19-20, 2009 (Cave Hill, Barbados).
- “Therapy or Trial:
Framing the Czech Post-Socialist Memory” at The
Enkidu Summer Conference 2009: Storytelling, Memories and Identity
Constructions, July 1-5, 2009 (Mexico City, Mexiko).
- “Serious Comedies: Commemorative Practices in Czech
Post-Socialist Cinema” at Postcommunist
Visual Culture and Cinema, March 20-21, 2009 (St. Andrews, Great Britain).
- “The Rear-View
Screen of Post-Socialism” at Visible
Memories, October 2-4, 2008 (Syracuse University, NY, USA).
- “Normalization of
the Ideology of the Normalization: The Politics of Memory in Czech
Post-Socialist Bitter Comedies” at Genre,
Ideology and Culture in the Cinema, September 18-20, 2008, (Jaca, Spain)
- “Representations of ‘Communism’ in Czech Post-Communist Cinema.” GAUK [The Charles University Grant Agency]. Student grant project no. 104409. 2009-2011.
- The Fulbright Scholarship for Graduate Studies in the U.S., 2009-2010
- Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, Charles University, 2008
- Dean's Special Praise for Outstanding Master's Diploma Thesis, FSV UK, 2006
- The Fund for American Studies Scholarship, Georgetown University, 2005
- Program in International Education - Hanzelka Scholarship, Bard College, 2003-4
- Dean's Special Praise for Outstanding Bachelor's Diploma Thesis, FSV UK, 2003
- Award for Contribution to Significant Activities of the Faculty, FSV UK, 2001
● Hladík, R. “Between Resentment and Forgiveness: Public Histories in the Czech and South African Transitions.” Teorie vědy/Theory of Science, vol. XXI, 2009, no. 2., pp. 113-137.
● Hladík, R. – Mozen, C. “Global Day of Action Against the IMF and World Bank, Prague, September 26 (S26), 2000.” In: Ness, Immanuel (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 1391–1395.
● Hladík, R. “Astigmatický pohled na vizuální sociologii - Piotr Sztompka: Vizuální sociologie.” (Review). Teorie vědy/Theory of Science, vol. 30, 2008, no. 2, pp. 149-156.
● Hladík, R. “Bůh chraň historii.” (Exhibition review). Sešity pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, vol. 2, 2008, no. 4-5, pp. 150-155.
● “Skutečný autor Bílé knihy.”. [On the Higher Education Reform]. In A2, no. 47, 2007.
● Star Trek: Technologies of Disappearance. (Review). Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies. Oct. 2006 [online].
● Hladík, R.: “Traumatické komedie: Politika paměti v českém filmu.” [Traumatic Comedies: The Politics of Memory in Czech Cinema]. Sociální studia, vol. 6, no. 4, 2009, in print.
● Balon, J. - Hladík, R.: Proměny studia kultury: projekt kulturálních studií. [Transformations in the Studies of Culture: The Cultural Studies Project]. In: Šubrt, J. (ed.), Soudobá sociologie IV. [Contemporary Sociology IV.] Praha: Karolinum, 2010, in print.
● Latour, Bruno: “Poznání a vizualizace aneb jak myslet očima a rukama.” [Visualization and Cognition: Thinking with Eyes and Hands]. Teorie vědy/Theory of Science, vol. 30, 2008, no. 2 , p. 35-92.
● Warner, Michael: “Styly intelektuálních publik.” [Styles of Intellectual Publics].Teorie vědy/Theory of Science, vol. 29, 2009, no. 3-4 , p. 81-116.
– fluent (TOEFL score 300, computer based test, 2005)
French – avancé 2 (level at the French Institute of Prague, summer 2007)
Volunteer for Association 2000, a non-profit collective running an infoshop
in Prague. Activities included: lectures, debates, screenings, library.