Name: Nanobiotechnology for creation of interfaces between biological media and artificial entities
Sponsor: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences
Principal investigator: Eduard Brynda, Ph.D.
Co-principal investigator: Prof. Jan Dyr, DSc.; Assoc. Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc.
From: 2005-01-01
To: 2007-12-31

The successive adsorption of proteins, polypeptides, charged polysaccharides, and natural or synthetic polyelectrolytes controlled by affecting physical interactions between the macromolecules will be used for the creation of organized molecular assemblies forming functional interfaces between artificial supports and biological fluids or cells. The research will include the study of mechanism taking part in a contact of surfaces with blood plasma and blood, or in the cell growth on artificial scaffolds. Assemblies composed mainly of serum albumin and polysaccharides preventing blood plasma fouling, platelet adhesion, and blood coagulation, antibody containing assemblies immobilized on optical (SPR) immunosensors and magnetic particles making possible the detection and separation of specific compounds from plasma or blood, and assemblies containing components of extracellular matrix or fibrin structures which can support or control growth of cells will be developed.