Name: Novel approaches to reversible opto-electrochemical fibre sensing of chlorine in water
Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation
Principal investigator: Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.
Co-principal investigator: Barna Kovács, Ph.D.; Karla Vlčková, MSc.
Member: Daniela Berková, Ph.D.; Miloš Hayer, Ph.D.; Pavel Honzátko, Ph.D.; Miroslav Chomát, Ph.D.; Vlastimil Matějec, Ph.D.; Jan Mrázek, Ph.D.; Ondřej Podrazký, Ph.D.; Marie Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
From: 2005-01-01
To: 2007-12-31

Novel approaches to optical monitoring of chlorine content in water are proposed. The proposal reflects a growing public need for highly sensitive on-line analytical methods for the determination of quality of drinking water as water disinfection by commonly used chlorination may lead to formation of toxic by-products. While the conventional analytical approaches are suitable for laboratory monitoring of water chlorination in concentration ranges acceptable for drinking water, they are not capable of providing information about the chlorine content from end user in real time and therefore they are not suitable for field applications. The proposed approach is based on evanescent-wave optical detection of chlorine-induced optical absorption changes of opto-chemical transducers immobilised onto the detection fibres, which can be reversed by electrochemical reactions realised by charged indium-tin-oxide transparent layers applied on the fibres. In this way the fibre can be repeatedly used for chlorine sensing. The main objective of the project is to analyse, develop and optimise the proposed approach so that a detection limit below the acceptable chlorine content in drinking water is achieved. The attention will be concentrated on the technology of sensing fibres, characterisation and optimisation of fibre sensitivity in relation to water analysis.