Abstrakt - informace

ÚvodCAOS 2011Abstrakt & Postery - informace


Main Topics of the conference

  • Synthetic Methodology
  • Catalysis
  • Total Synthesis of Natural Products
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry



Instructions for Authors

  • Please upload the abstract as a WORD Document, not as a pdf. A template is provided here.
  • Use 2.5-cm margins and single line spacing, 1 A4 page (29.7 cm height, 21 cm width). The size of the document is not allowed to exceed one A4 page and 9 MB in size.
  • The title of the abstract should be clear and concise. Please use uppercase letters, Font Arial (14-point size font, center alignment).
  • Author names, surnames, affiliations and E-mail address of the presenting author should be written in Font Arial (12-point size font for authors, 11-point size for affiliation, center alignment). The presenting author must be underlined.
  • For the text of the abstract, please use Font Arial (12-point size font, justified alignment, single spacing).
  • The inclusion of figures, graphs and schemes is strongly recommended.Figure legends should be written in Arial 12-point size font.
  • References should be inserted at the end and numbered in the text in sequence, by using arabic numerals in superscript. References should be written in Arial 12pt.
  • The abstract should be camera ready. Errors in spelling, grammar or scientific contents will be reproduced as typed by the author.


The deadline for abstract submission is the 30th of April 2011. Abstracts submitted later cannot be included in the book of abstract. No changes are possible after abstract submission. Please check your abstract carefully before sending. If a change would be nevertheless needed, please contact the Scientific Committee at: jahn@uochb.cas.cz. Please, read the instructions below carefully prior to preparing your abstract. Abstracts not fulfilling the given instructions cannot be accepted.

The presenting author of a selected abstract commits himself/herself to attend the Congress and present the abstracted work at the time scheduled by the Scientific Committee.


PLEASE, UPLOAD YOUR ABSTRACT FILE AT THE ON-LINE REGISTRATION PAGE and indicate in the Notes field for what type of presentation (Plenary or Invited Lecture, Oral Contribution, Poster) you are submitting the abstract.


The maximal POSTER size is fixed as 130 cm (height) × 90 cm (width).