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Doktorské studijní programy uskutečňované ve spolupráci s vysokými školami na pracovištích AV ČR


Doctoral Study Programmes Conducted at Institutes of the ASCR in cooperation with Institutions of Higher Education

Pursuant to the Higher Education Act (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.), Institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) conduct doctoral study programmes.

A survey of accredited programmes reveals the name of the Institute of the ASCR offering a study programme, the name of the University with which the Institute has signed an agreement on cooperation for implementing a doctoral study programme, the names of a doctoral programme and of respective branches of study.
Details on study will be published in due course on Internet pages of participating Academy Institutes.


Institution Agreement with University Name of programme Field of science Validity of accreditation
Astronomical Institute ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Plasma Physics and Ionized Environments till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics till 2 May 2010
Biology Centre ASCR Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Biochemistry and Biotechnologies Biotechnologies till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Biochemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Entomology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Entomology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Hydrobiology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Hydrobiology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Parasitology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Biology Parasitology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Ecology Ecology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Ecology Ecology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Physiology and Immunology Physiology and Developmental Biology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Physiology and Immunology Physiology and Developmental Biology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Parasitology   till 15 Aug 2010
  University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Institute of Physical Biology University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Physics Biophysics till 1 April 2007
Centre for Classical Studies at Inst of Philosophy ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Philology Latin Medievistics and Neo-Latin Studies till 22 Oct 2009
Economics Institute ASCR CERGE UK Study in the USA Economics 5 years
  CERGE and Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University Prague Economic Theories Economics till 22 Oct 2009
Geophysical Institute ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Geophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Geology Geology and Branches till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Applied Geology Applied Geology and Branches till 10 Nov 2010
Institute of Archaelogy ASCR Prague Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Historical Sciences Primeval and Early Medieval Archaelogy till 20 July 2013
Institute of Biophysics ASCR Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Biology Physiology and Developmental Biology of Animals till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Biology Genetics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Biology Molecular and Cell Biology till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Physics Biophysics till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Botany ASCR Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Botany Botany (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Botany Botany till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Botany Botany (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Botany   till 10 Nov 2010
Institute of Ethnology ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Historical Sciences Ethnology till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Philosophy and Arts University of West Bohemia Pilsen Historical Sciences Ehtnology till 23 July 2008
Institute of Philosophy ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Philosophy Philosophy till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Philosophy and Arts University of West Bohemia Pilsen Humanistic Studies Theory and History of Science and Technology (A) till 30 Oct 2007
Institute of Physics ASCR Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Technology of Materials Metallurgy till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Materials Technology Material Engineering till 20 July 2013
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Plasma Physics and Ionized Environments till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Surface and Interface Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Subnuclear Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Electronics (A) till 15 Aug 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Electrotechnology and Materials (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Plasma Physics (A) till 10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Natural Data Applications Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Physics Applied Physics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Physics Biophysics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Physics Condensed Matter Physics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Physics General Physics and Mathematical Physics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Physics Optics and Optoelectronics till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Physiology ASCR First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Medical Biophysics
Medical Biophysics (A)
  till 28 Feb 2007
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Biochemistry and Biotechnologies Biotechnology till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Biochemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Microbiology Microbiology till 20 July 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, all at Charles University Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Cell Biology and Pathology   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Experimental Surgery   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Experimental Surgery (A)   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Farmacology and Pharmacology   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Physiology and Pathophysiology in Man   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Neurosciences   till 20 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Animal Physiology   till 20 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology   till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Developmental Biology    
Institute of Geology ASCR Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Applied Geology Applied Geology and Branches (A) till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Geology Geology and Branches (A) till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Natural Sciences Masaryk University Brno Geology Geological Sciences and Branches till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of History ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Historical Sciences Czech History till 20 July 2009
Institute of Mathematics ASCR Pedagogical Faculty Charles University Prague Pedagogics Didactics of Mathematics (Mathematics Education) till 27 Feb 2007
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Immunology   till 20 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Mathematical and Computational Modelling till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Discrete Models and Algorhythms till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Mathematical Linguistics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Software Systems till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Theoretical Informatics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Geometry and Topology, Global Analysis and General Structures till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Mathematical Analysis till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics General Questions in Mathematics and Informatics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Probability and Mathematical Statistics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Scientific-Technical Calculations till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Mathematics Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Mathematics Geometry and Topology, Global Analysis and General Structures till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno and Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Mathematics Mathematical Analysis till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Mathematics General Questions in Mathematics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Mathematics Probability and Mathematical Statistics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Mathematics Scientific-Technical Calculations till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc and Faculty of Applied Sciences University of West Bohemia Pilsen Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Mathematics Approximate and Numerical Methods till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Microbiology ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Microbiology   till 18 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Science and First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine, all at Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology   till 20 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Biochemistry and Biotechnology Biotechnology till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Biochemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Institute of Physical Biology University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Physics Biophysics till 1 April 2007
Institute of Sociology ASCR Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University Prague Sociology Sociology till 13 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University Prague Sociology Public and Social Policy till 13 Dec 2009
Institute of Analytical Chemistry ASCR Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Chemistry Analytical Chemistry till 20 July 2013
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry ASCR Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Chemical Technology Inorganic Technology till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Materials Technology Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Analytical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication TU Brno Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Microelectronics and Technology till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Analytical Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Inorganic Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Physical Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Biology Zoology till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Art History ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague History of Graphic Arts History of Graphic Arts till 29 March 2006, is under way
  Faculty of Philosophy Masaryk University Brno General Theory and History of Arts and Culture Art Theory and History till 20 July 2009
  Philosophical Faculty Palacký University Olomouc Theory and History of Graphic Arts Theory and History of Graphic Arts till 20 July 2009
Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Plant Physiology and Anatomy   till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology   till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Biochemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Biology Botany till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Neurosciences Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Physiology and Pathophysiology in Man Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Preventive Medicine Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Preventive Medicine Biomedicine (A) till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine Charles University Prague Cell Biology and Pathology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Developmental Biology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  Second, Third Faculties of Medicine, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Anthropology   till 15 Feb 2010
  Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Charles University Prague Biomechanics   till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Plasma Physics and Ionized Environments till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Meteorology and Climatology till 2 May 2010
The J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry ASCR Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Analytical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Inorganic Technology till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice Chemistry and Materials Technology Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Plasma Physics and Ionized Environments till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Surface and Interface Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology and Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Analytical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology and Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Inorganic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Materials Technologies Chemistry and Technologies of Inorganic Materials till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Analytical Chemistry (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Macromolecular Chemistry (A) till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of the Physics of Materials ASCR Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno TU Applied Science and Engineering Engineering Mechanics till 27 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno TU Physical and Materials Engineering Physical and Materials Engineering till 27 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Chemistry Brno TU Chemistry, Technology and Material Properties Chemistry, Technology and Material Properties till 10 March 2008
Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electronics and Informatics Electrotechnology and Materials (A) till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electronics and Informatics Plasma Physics (A) till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
Institute of Geonics ASCR Faculty of Science Ostrava University Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics till 8 Dec 2007
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science TU Ostrava Electrotechnics and Computer Science Informatics and Applied Mathematics till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Civil Engineering TU Ostrava Civil Engineering Mining and Underground Civil Engineering till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Civil Engineering TU Ostrava Civil Engineering Theory of Constructions till 20 July 2009
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR Faculty of Food and Biotechnical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Biochemistry and Biotechnologies Biotechnologies till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemical and Process Engineering Chemical Engineering till 20 July 2009
  Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry As Institute of Chemical Technology Prague
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Organic Technology till 20 July 2009
  Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemical Technology and Environmental Protection Environmental Chemistry and Technology till 20 July 2009
Institute of Computer Science ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Software Systems till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Theoretical Informatics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Scientific-Technical Calculations till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Mathematical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Informatics and Computational Techniques till 10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informaticsa Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics till 10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Information Science and Computer Engineering (A) till 10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics (A) till 10 Oct 2014
  First Faculty of Medicine Charles Univ Prague Biomedical Informatics   till 20 Dec 2013
  First Faculty of Medicine Charles Univ Prague Biomedical Informatics (A)   till 20 Dec 2013
  Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies TU Liberec Electrotechnics and Informatics Technical Cybernetics (A) till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Nuclear Physics ASCR Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Materials Technology Material Engineering till 20 July 2013
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Nuclear Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Subnuclear Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Nuclear Chemistry till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Nuclear Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Mathematical Engineering till 31 May 2010
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry of Macromolecular Substances till 18 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Chemistry of Macromolecular Substances till 18 Oct 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Chemistry Technology of Macromolecular Substances till 18 Oct 2009
  Faculty of Technology Tomas Bata University in Zlín Chemistry Technology of Macromolecular Substances till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Technology University Pardubice and Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Technology of Materials Technology of Macromolecular Substances till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Physical Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Macromolecular Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Physical Chemistry of Macromolecular Substances till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Chemical Engineering Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Macromolecular Chemistry till 18 Oct 2009
  Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Masaryk University Brno Chemistry Chemistry of Macromolecular Substances till 15 Aug 2006
  Faculty of Science Palacký University Olomouc Chemistry Physical Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Applied Mechanics till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Material Engineering till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Engineering Technology Engineering Technology (A) till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Applied Mechanics (A) till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Material Engineering (A) till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Technology Mechanical Technology till 25 Feb 2009
Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Biochemistry till 20 July 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, all of Charles University Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all of Charles University Prague Developmental Biology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all of Charles University Prague Immunology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Organic Chemistry   till 15 Aug 2006
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 25 June 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 25 June 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Organic Chemistry till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry Biochemistry till 25 June 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Science, all at Charles Uniersity Prague Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
  First, Second, Third Faculties of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, all of Charles University Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry Biomedicine till 20 Dec 2009
Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical Univ Prague Civil Engineering Water Economy and Water Constructions till 20 July 2009
Institute of the Czech Language ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Philology Czech Language till 13 Dec 2009
Institute for Contemporary History ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Politology Politology till 20 July 2013
Institute of Scientific Instruments ASCR Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BrnoTU Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Cybernetics, Automation and Measurement (A) till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BrnoTU Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Microelectronics Technology (A) till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BrnoTU Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Teleinformatics till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BrnoTU Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Biomedical Electronics and Biocybernetics (A) till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BrnoTU Electrotechnics, Electronics, Communication and Control Techniques Electronics and Communication Techniques (A) till 31 Dec 2009
  Faculty of Chemistry Brno TU Chemistry, Technology and Material Properties Chemistry, Technology and Material Properties (A) till 10 March 2008
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno TU Physical and Material Engineering Physical and Material Engineering till 9 April 2009
  Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Physics Wave and Particle Optics till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Surface and Interface Physics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Chemical Technology Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Chemistry and Materials Technology Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Electronics till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Radio-Electronics till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Theoretical Electrotechnics till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
Institute of State and Law ASCR Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences International Law till 5 May 2009
  Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences Civil Law till 5 May 2009
  Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences Trade Law till 5 May 2009
  Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences Legal History till 5 May 2009
  Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences Penal Law till 5 May 2009
  Faculty of Law University of West Bohemia in Pilsen Theoretical Law Sciences Theoretical Law Sciences till 5 May 2009
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics ASCR Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Geophysics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Geophysics (A) till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Technical University Ostrava Metallurgical Engineering Heat Engineering and Fuels in Industry till 10 March 2008
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Mechanical Engineering Biomechanics till 27 February 2009
Global Change Research Centre of the ASCR, v. v. i. Faculty of Agriculture University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Ecology and Environmental Protection Applied and Landscape Ecology till 23 Nov 2009
  Institute of Physical Biology University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Physics Biophysics till 1 April 2007
  Faculty of Agronomy Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno Ecology and Environmental Protection Applied and Landscape Ecology till 15 Aug 2006, the request for prolongation of accreditation
  Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno Forestry Ecology till 15 Aug 2010
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ASCR Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Physical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Civil Engineering Physical and Materials Engineering till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Civil Engineering Constructions and Transport Construction till 20 July 2009
  Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Civil Engineering Land Construction till 20 July 2009
Institute of Information Theory and Automation ASCR Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Applications to the Natural Sciences Mathematical Engineering till 31 May 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Measurement Techniques (A) till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Control Techniques and Robotics (A) till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics till 10. Oct 2014
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univ Prague Informatics Software Systems till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univ Prague Informatics Theoretical Informatics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univ Prague Mathematics Econometry and Operations Research till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles Univ Prague Mathematics Probability and Mathematical Statistics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Management University of Economics Prague Economics and Management Management till 15 Oct 2007
Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno TU Engineering and Applied Sciences Engineering Mechanics till 27 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Mathematical and Computational Modelling till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Physics Meteorology and Climatology till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Informatics Theoretical Informatics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Scientific-Technical Calculations till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Mathematics Probability and Mathematical Statistics till 2 May 2010
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Applied Mechanics till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Liberec Mechanical Engineering Applied mechanics (A) till 25 Feb 2009
  Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University Prague Electrotechnics and Informatics Plasma Physics till 30 Sept 2010/10 Oct 2014
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics ASCR Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Biology Animal Physiology till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Biology Developmental Biology till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Science Charles University Prague Zoology Zoology till 10 Nov 2010
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Zoology Zoology (A) till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics till 31 Oct 2011
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics (A) till 15 Aug 2010
  Faculty of Biological Sciences University of South Bohemia České Budějovice Molecular and Cell Biology Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics till 31 Oct 2011
Masaryk Institute- Archives ASCR Philosophical Faculty Palacký University Olomouc Historical Sciences Czech History till 1 March 2010
Oriental Institute ASCR Faculty of Philosophy and Arts Charles University Prague Historical Sciences Histories and Cultures of Asian and African Countries till 20 July 2009



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