Ing. Zdeněk Převorovský, CSc.

Phone +420 266 053 144 E-mail Room M3201 Department D8 - Nondestructive testing
View author's publications in the ASCR database
2011-2013 FR-TI3/755Modernisation of diagnostics system for helicopter engine and drive unit
2010-2012 GAP104/10/1430Damage Monitoring of Building Structure components by Nonlinear Ultrasonic Spectroscopy
2009-2012 FR-TI1/198Automated diagnostics of extremely loaded structures (engineering constructions)
2009-2012 FR-TI1/274Evaluation of SHM methods and its integration into aircraft maintance system
2007-2009 GA106/07/1393Nonlinear ultrasonic spectroscopy of megnesium metalic components and alloys
2006-2008 GA103/06/1711Defectoscopy of reinforced concrete elements and structures using non-linear acoustic spectroscopy
2005-2007 FT-TA/026T9 - Výzkum efektivních metod nedestruktivní detekce poruch
2004-2006 GA201/04/2102Intelligent Information Retrieval
2003-2005 GA205/03/0071Non-linear ultrasonic defectoscopy of solids
2001-2002 OC P4.30Detekce vnitřních pnutí při mechanickém zpracování materiálů (COST P4.30)
1999-2001 IAA2076904Hierarchická struktura polymerních materiálů a její odezva na mechanickou deformaci a teplotní historii

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