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The chromosome region including the earliness per se locus Eps-Am1 affects the duration of early developmental phases and spikelet number in diploid wheat
The chromosome region including the earliness per se locus Eps-Am1 affects the duration of early developmental phases and spikelet number in diploid wheat.
The genus Pinus L.
The impact of trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene over-expression in tobacco on pigment content and gas exchange
The role of cytokinins in responses to water deficit in tobacco plants over-expressing trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene under 35S or SAG12 promoters
The weed infestation of extensively managed grass stand
Toxic effect of nitroesters on plant tissue cultures
Transient expression of fusion gene coding for the HPV-16 epitopes fused to the sequence of potyvirus coat protein using different means of inoculation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Brassica rapa, cv. Rapa plants
Transient expression of HPV16 E7 peptide (aa 44-60) and HPV16 L2 peptide (aa 108-120) on chimeric potyvirus-like particles using Potato virus X-based vector
Trichloroacetic acid of different origin in Norway spruce needles and chloroplasts
Triplex configuration in the nick-free DNAs that constitute the chromosomal scaffolds in grasshopper spermatids.
Two FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologs in Chenopodium rubrum differ in expression patterns
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and abscisic acid during the germination of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.): a comparative study of fruits and seeds
A Chlorine-36 and Carbon-14 Study of the Role of Chlorine in the Forest Ecosystem
Acclimation of plantlets to ex vitro conditions: effects of air humidity, irradiance, CO2 concentration and abscisic acid
Altered cytokinin metabolism affects cytokinin, auxin, and abscisic acid contents in leaves and chloroplasts, and chloroplast ultrastructure in transgenic tobacco
Arabidopsis Gene Family Profiler (aGFP) - user-oriented transcriptomic database with easy-to-use graphic interface
Assessment of toxic effects in the subground environment during a termite control
Biotransformation of a monoterpene mixture by in vitro cultures of selected conifer species.
Botanical survey and screening of plant species which accumulate 226Ra from contaminated soil of uranium waste depot.
C-terminal hydrophobic region leads PRSV P3 Protein to endoplasmic reticulum
Chitinase isozymes induced by TYMV and Leptosphaeria maculans during compatible and incompatible interaction with Brassica napus
Chloride retention in forest soil by microbial uptake and by natural chlorination of organic matter
Chlorine in the Forest Ecosystem (a Radiotracer Study)
Chloroacetic Acids – Degradation Intermediates of Organic Matter in Forest Soil
Chromosome analysis and sorting
Chromosome analysis and sorting in Vicia sativa using flow cytometry
Chromosome-based genomics in cereals
Classical Anticytokinins Do Not Interact with Cytokinin Receptors but Inhibit Cyclin-dependent Kinases