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HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

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IBM Cases studies, 5.3.2010.

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Physical Review Focus, 4/9/ 2009.

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Physical properties of crystalline d-f intermetallics

We study magnetism and magneto-elasticity of rare-earth and uranium intermetallic compounds with high content of 3d-metal (Fe and Co). They combine the localized magnetism of the f-electron sublattice with the itinerant magnetism of the 3d-sublattice and belong to an important class of modern magnetic materials. The work is usually performed on high-quality single crystals grown in our lab. Some particular results are:
1. A systematic study of the R2Fe14Si3 compounds, where the Fe sublattice is partly diluted by Si and R stands for either magnetic (Dy, Er, Nd) and non-magnetic (Y, Ce, Lu) rare-earth, allowed us to distinguish the individual sublattice contributions to magnetic anisotropy and other properties. Observation of field-induced transitions of different nature (spin reorientation and metamagnetism) in very high fields (30-45 T) and their adequate theoretical description contributed to understanding of formation of magnetism in these complicated systems with competitive exchange and anisotropic interactions [1.1;1.2].
2. A comparative study of R2Co17-xSix and R2Fe17-xSix compounds with R = Lu and U allowed us to identify the U sublattice contribution to magnetic anisotropy and thus to unambiguously confirm the magnetic state of U in these compounds, up to room temperature, which is rather unexpected effect in the compounds with a high content of 3d metals [2.1].
3. Different aspects of magnetoelasticity of the high-3d-metal-content intermetallics based mainly on Lu2Fe17 were investigated by magnetostriction, thermal expansion, application of external pressure and interstitial introduction of hydrogen (“negative chemical pressure”)[3.1].

Main publications.
1.1. M.I. Ilyn, A.V. Andreev, The magnetocaloric effect and spin reorientation transition in single-crystal Er2Fe14Si3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) Art. No. 285206 (4 pp.).
1.2. A.V. Andreev, S. Yoshii, M.D. Kuz'min, F.R. de Boer, K. Kindo, M. Hagiwara, A high-field magnetization study of a Nd2Fe14Si3 single crystal, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 (2009) 146005 (8pp).
2.1. A.V. Andreev, E.A. Tereshina, E. Šantavá, K. Koyama, Y. Homma, I. Satoh, T. Yamamura, Y. Shiokawa, K. Watanabe, Magnetic properties of U2Co17-xSix single crystals, J. Alloys Comp. 450 (2008) 51-57.
3.1. E.A. Tereshina, A.V. Andreev, J. Kamarád, O. Isnard, Antiferromagnetic order in (Lu0.8Ce0.2)2Fe17 and Lu2Fe16.5Ru0.5: High pressure study, J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009) Art. No. 07A747 (1-3).

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