Banana sequencing data


454 sequencing of M. acuminata 'Calcutta 4' (GS FLX platform)


For detailed informations, please see: Eva Hřibová, Pavel Neumann, Takashi Matsumoto, Nicolas Roux, Jiří Macas, Jaroslav Doležel: Repetitive part of the banana (Musa acuminata) genome investigated by low-depth 454 sequencing. BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:204. 




454 reads containing microsatellites are sorted according to length of their repetitive unit; the reads with 2 - 10bp long monomers and  minimal copy number cpmin=5 were identified also with the average similarity higher than 80%  (id-80).

Linux/Unix users: Before uncompress the ISBP, install perl (Perl download) and Artemis V11 software (Artemis download). Run .pl files from command prompt.

Windows users: Before uncompress the ISBP, install perl (Perl download) and Artemis V11 software (Artemis download). Each EMBL file should be visualized in Artemis software.



Detection of banana specific repeats in analyzed clones can be done using PROFREP server.