Electron localization in CdS nanocrystals
Semiconductor nanocrystals exhibit a plethora of new electronic and optical phenomena owing to their increased surface to volume ratio and carrier confinement. However, the absence of a long-range crystal order fundamentally complicates the charge transport in nanocrystalline films. The underlying physics is very complex as it involves a chain of processes occurring on several different space and time scales.
We have investigated nanocrystalline films of cadmium sulfide (CdS) prepared by chemical bath deposition. In particular, we wish to contribute to the discussion of the long-lasting controversy that nanocrystalline films show the quantum confinement of charges, which is clearly apparent in the optical absorption and emission spectra, and, simultaneously, a long-range bulk-like transport in the electrical measurements. Results obtained by time-resolved terahertz (THz) spectroscopy lead to the following major conclusions:
- Two length scales (nanocrystals and their clusters) control electron localization on the nanoscale
- Electrons with high excess energy have higher mobility than electrons with low excess energy
- The reduced mobility of electrons with low excess energy seems to originate from Coulombic interaction of electron with a localized hole
The spectra of transient conductivity in the THz spectral range are directly related to the nanostructure of the films (Fig. 1!href>a). Firstly, electron localization in nanocrystals leads to a capacitive response characterized by an increasing real part of conductivity and negative imaginary part [1!href>]. By a more detailed inspection we realize that the measured real part is concave above at least 0.4 THz (Fig. 1!href>b) – this is a signature that there is a second length scale of electron localization, which we attribute to nanocrystal clusters seen in Fig. 1!href>a [3!href>]. A more detailed analysis based on Monte-Carlo calculations of conductivity spectra then allows quantitative determination of parameters of electron transport (Fig. 1!href>c). Namely, we found that the probability of electron transport between NCs is rather high (~34%) which shows that the NCs within the cluster are closely packed together. Conversely, the probability of electron transport between NC clusters is much lower (~3%) which indicates that there is much lower contact area between NC clusters as these form a network filled by air pores.
Fig. 1!counter>. (a) Transmission-electron-microscope (TEM) image of the cross-section of a CdS film prepared by chemical bath deposition. (b) Example of normalized transient conductivity spectrum (excitation wavelength: 400 nm, pump-probe delay: 10 ps, excitation density: 0.58 photons/NC). Symbols: measured data, lines: calculations by Monte Carlo method [3!href>]. (c) Scheme of the electron transport in the CdS nanocrystalline film (parameters shown are for electrons with low excess energy).
Fig. 2!counter>. (a), (b), (c) Schemes illustrating the occupancy of the conduction-band states after photoexcitation (0 ps) and after the subsequent energy relaxation process (>1 ps) for various experimental conditions. (d) Scheme of the kinetic model of electron energy and mobility relaxation, trapping and recombination. (e) Time-dependent THz conductivities (curves are horizontally shifted for clarity; the signal rise for each curve corresponds to the pump-probe overlap). Symbols: measured data, lines: results of fits with kinetic model.
The last question concerns the origin of the potential barriers EB which hinder the motion of electrons with low excess energy and which are not felt by electrons with the high excess energy. We believe that this barrier has a Coulombic origin, i.e., that a hole localized in one NC prevents the electron to escape to another NC. Indeed, the energy required to move an electron from the nanoparticle surface to infinity (when the hole is in the center of the NC) is
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for NC radius r = 5 nm and CdS permittivity ε = 9. The estimated value is thus in a perfect agreement with the experimental result EB = 33 meV. Furthermore, this expression predicts that the barrier energy should decrease with increasing NC radius, which is also confirmed by experiment. Finally, let’s note that a Coulombic interaction with a positive charge responsible for reduction of electron mobility was observed in dye-sensitized ZnO nanoparticles [2!href>].
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