RNDr. JAN KYSELÝ, Ph.D. (* 1974)

Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Boční II 1401
141 31 Prague 4
Czech Republic
phone: +420 272 016 068
email: kysely@ufa.cas.cz


Work experience: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences CR, Prague (research associate 1996-2000, research scientist since 2000; scientific secretary of IAP since 2003; member of the Scientific Council of IAP 2004-2006; deputy head of the Department of Climatology since 2007)

with son Matěj (born 2006)


Lecturing: recurrent course on 'Physical Climatology', Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (since 2002/03) [selected figures (11 MB)]

Refereeing: referee reports for International Journal of Climatology, Climate Research, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Climate Dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Advances in Geosciences, Nature Geoscience, Climatic Change, Science of the Total Environment, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Climate, Environmental Research Letters, International Journal of Biometeorology, Tellus

Professional interests:

Principal investigator of grant projects

Other interests: medieval architecture; astronomy; photography

Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Citations of papers
