Provider | Grantová agentura České republiky |
GAČR, 107/11/1856 | 2011-2013 |
Proposer | Jiří Vacík, CSc., ÚJF AV ČR, v.v.i. | ||
Title | Metal-fullerene nanocomposites and their biological applications. | ||
Název | Nanokompozity kov-fulleren a jejich biologické aplikace. | ||
The main topic of the grant project is the study of thin films of hybrid composites based on carbon allotropes (especially C60) and transition (and noble) metals, their preparation, modification and characterization, and also the study of their biological properties (i.e., biotolerance, adhesion of bone-type cells, their growth, differentiation, etc.). The purpose is to develop novel hybrid materials with well-defined structures and interesting properties attractive for applications (e.g., for tissue engineering). For fabrication of the composites, suitable deposition techniques will be used; for characterization of the films an arsenal of analytical methods will be at our disposal. The preliminary experiments demonstrated an interesting aspect of the project – the possibility of preparing composite materials with regular structures at a (sub-) micron scale level either created due to spontaneous self-organization (induced by a certain deposition kinetics), or because of coordinated phase separation initiated by thermal annealing or irradiation with energy ion beams. The specific goal of this project is to shed more light on the onset, mechanisms and kinetics of the above-mentioned phenomena. |