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Department of Genetic Ecotoxicology

Laboratory of Genomics

The Laboratory of Genomics studies gene expression profiles in populations exposed to air pollution, tobacco smoke and other factors. It also concentrates on the analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms affecting the metabolism of xenobiotics, DNA repair, immune responses and other biological processes. The Laboratory of Genomics is a joint venture of the Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, v. v. i. and the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.

Current grant support

EU 6th FP, 044232, ENVIRISK, Assessing the risks of environmental stressors: contribution to the development of integrating metodology, 2008–2009.
EU 6th FP, 018385-2, INTARESE, Integrated assessment of health risks of environmental stressors in Europe, 2006–2009.
Ministry of Environment, SP/1b3/8/08,
Study of the health consequences of polluted air in the Ostrava region with the use of genomics, AIRGEN, 2008–2010.
Ministry of Environment, SP/1b3/50/07, The effects of genome variability on the interaction between the human organism and the environment, ENVIRONGENOM, 2007–2011.
Ministry of Education, 2B08005, New approaches to study the toxicity of air pollution and their contribution to assess limits for selected pollutants,AIRTOX, 2008–2011.
Ministry of Education, 2B06088, Application of toxicogenomics to study mechanisms of the action of environmental pollutants on human health, ENVIRONGEN, 2006–2011.
Ministry of Education, 2B06150, Modulation of anti-PAH-antibody levels in relation to smoking and lung disease (cancer/noncancer) and the increase of PAH-resistance of the organism by immunization, 2006–2011.
GA CR, 310/07/0961, The role of environmental pollutants
in the mechanisms regulating the development of prostate carcinoma, 2007–2010.
IGA of the Ministry of Health, NS9804-4/2008, Genetic databases, their structure and application, 2009–2011.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms of HVRII mtDNA in children associated with respiratory morbidity: T195 allele(A); C195 allele (B); 7C 303 allele (C); 9C 303 allele(D).
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