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Akademický bulletin vstoupil do věku dospělosti

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A conference The Czech forum for research, development and innovation 2011 will be held on 20th April in Olomouc. The Second Interim Report on Research, Development & Innovation in the Czech Republic will be presented on this conference. The mentioned report, which was aimed at new methods of evaluation of R&D&I, Research performance and Management and system of financing, was carried out by the British company Technopolis.

Press conference at Ministry of education, youth and sport on 18th March


Based on the recommendation of the second interim report is obvious that the main reform must concern not only the R&D&I system but also the evaluation of results. As the director of Technopolis Erik Arnold added on press conference which took place at Ministry of education, youth and sport on 18th March: “Perfect managing structure of the R&D&I system does not exist in any country.”

