Geologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.

Badatelské centrum střední velikosti, jehož hlavním cílem je získávat, interpretovat a integrovat znalost zemského systému.

About Institute

Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. a medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System and its geologic and biologic past, without which it would not be possible to understand the recent environment. The Earth system understood as a result of interaction of endogenous and exogenous geological processes, development of biota and anthropogenic effects. Co-evolution of the Earth system means close connection and constant mutual influence of biotic and abiotic processes resulting in changes of atmosphere composition, climatic changes and weathering rates, relief development, sedimentary basin development and genesis of some types of natural resource bearings.

Suchdol Puškinovo náměstí Průhonice