Recordings of lectures and seminars

May 13, 2011 Ing. Grozdana Bogdanić, DrSc.: Group Contribution Methods for Predicting Properties of Systems Containing Polymers (PowerPoint presentation)

May 6, 2011 Doc. Ing. Martin Lísal, DSc.: Gas-liquid interface of room-temperature ionic liquids: insight from MD (in Czech).

May 3, 2011 Dr. Ing. Vladimír Ždímal: Glimpses of the world of aerosols (in Czech). Webcast recording of a lecture from the series Nebojte se vědy (Don't be afraid of science) held at Národní 3.

April 29, 2011

Prof. Ing. Zdeněk Wimmer, DrSc.: From plants to functional molecules (in Czech). Lecture held in the frames of the International Year of Chemistry

April 8, 2011 Dr. Ing. Ivan Kašík: Optical fibers - technology and their use as chemical sensors (in Czech).  Lecture held in the frames of the International Year of Chemistry