Štěpán Štverák
work | Astronomical Institute and Institute of Atmospheric Physics, AS CR |
address | Boční II/1401, 14131 Prague 4, Czech Republic |
phone | +420 267 103 389 |
stepan.stverak{at}centrum.cz | |
stverak{at}ig.cas.cz | |
stverak{at}ufa.cas.cz | |
skype | stepan.stverak?call |
- M.Sc., Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, 2004 , Czech Technical University, Prague
- Ph.D., Astrophysics, 2009, University Pierre and Marie Currie Paris VI, LESIA, Observatoire Paris, CNRS
Professional experience
- 2009-present: Post-doctoral Researcher, Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- 2001-present: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- 2005-2009: PhD visitor, l'Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France
Research activities
- Observational study of non-thermal electron properties in solar wind plasmas (Helios, Cluster II, Ulysses)
- Langmuir probes development and data analysis (ISL/DEMETER, DSLP/PROBA 2)
- Numerical simulations of collision-less space plasmas (hybrid code)
- Project Management: DSLP experiment on Proba 2, Langmuir Probe Study (ESA), ASI participation to SWIFF project (FP7, EC), L-DEPP Payload definition study (ESA)
- 2010, Proba 2 - Certificate of Appreciation“ (ESA, Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain, Michel Courtois - Director of Technical and Quality Management)
- Python/Pylab
programming and data analysis
- Štverák, Š.; Maksimovic, M ; Travnicek, PM, Marsch, E. ; Fazakerley, A. ; Scime, E. E., Radial evolution of nonthermal electron populations in the low-latitude solar wind: Helios, Cluster, and Ulysses Observations, Journal of geophysical research-space physics Volume: 114 Article Number: A05104, 2009. PDF
- Štverák, Š., P. Trávníček, M. Maksimovic, E. Marsch, A. N. Fazakerley, and E. E. Scime, Electron temperature anisotropy constraints in the solar wind, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03103, 2008. PDF
- Lebreton J.P., Stverak S., Travnicek P., Maksimovic M., Klinge D., Merikallio S., Lagoutte D., Poirier B., Blelly P.L., Kozacek Z., Salaquarda M., The ISL Langmuir probe experiment processing onboard DEMETER: Scientific objectives, description and first results, Planetary and Space Sci. 54 (5), pp. 472-486, 2006.
- Lagoutte D., Brochot J.Y., de Carvalho D., Elie F., Harivelo F., Hobara Y., Madrias L., Parrot M., Pincon J.L., Berthelier J.J., Peschard D., Seran E., Gangloff M., Sauvaud J.A., Lebreton J.P., Stverak S., Travnicek P., Grygorczukf J., Slominski J., Wronowski R., Barbier S., Bernard P., Gaboriaud A., Wallut J.M., The DEMETER Science Mission Centre, Planetary and Space Sci., 54 (5), pp. 28-440, 2006.