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Grant projects implemented at IMG in 2011

    2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011


EU – FP6

018933 Clinigene European clinical Gene Transfer Advisory Network 2005-2011 J. Bubeník 11
GSF GA301/07/1410 Immunosuppressive cell populations in the course of tumour progression and therapy 2007-2011 M. Reiniš 11
GSF GA301/09/1024 Molecular and cellular mechanisms of tumour chemotherapy: immunomodulatory effects 2009-2011 M. Indrová 11
GSF GAP301/10/2174 Epigenetic mechanisms in regulativ of genes important for antigen presentation and antitumour immunity 2010-2013 M. Reiniš 11
GSF GPP301/11/P220 Mechanisms underlying cyclophosphamide-induced accumulation of myeloid derived suppressor
2011-2013 R. Mikyšková 11
MH CR NS10660-3/2009 Development of experimental anti-WT 1 vaccine for immunotherapy of tumours 2009-2011 M. Indrová (co-investigator) 11
EU 037377 Engineering of the porcine genome for xenotransplantation studies in primates: a step towards clinical application 2006-2011 J. Hejnar 12
GSF GA301/09/P667 Transcriptional silencing of retroviral vectors during their integration into the host genome 2009-2011 F. Šenigl 12
GSF GA301/09/2031 Fuzogenic  envelope glycoproteins of human endogenous retroviruses and thein receptors 2009-2011 J. Hejnar 12
GSF GAP502/10/1651 Characterization of new avian sarcoma and leukosis virus (ASLV) receptor alleles as revealed by the analysis of semiresistant cells 2010-2012 J. Plachý 12
GSF GAP502/11/2207 Avian Sarcoma and Leukosis Virus-based Vectors and Their Potential for Transgenesis in chicken 2011-2013 J. Hejnar 12
GA ASCR IAA500520707 The role of innate immune molecules in embryonic homeostasis and sterile inflammation 2007-2011 D. Filipp 13
GSF GA310/09/2084 Characterization of the molecular machinery regulating the recruitment of signaling molecules to lipid rafts 2009-2013 D. Filipp 13
ME CR 2B08066 Novel treatment of genetically determined metabolic disease, type 1 diabetes, using an immunotherapeutical approach 2008-2011 D. Filipp 13
GA ASCR IAA500390701 Role of proteins associated with Cannabinoid receptor CB1 in trafficking 2007-2011 J. Blahoš 14
GSF GA303/08/1591 Study of glutamate receptors conformational changes using novel fluorescent techniques 2008-2012 J. Blahoš 14
GSF GA310/08/1697 First genetic model for analysis of susceptibility to parasite Leishmania tropica: potential implications for studies of human leishmaniases 2008-2012 M. Lipoldová 15
GSF GAP502/11/2116 Rozdíly v klinickém průběhu klíšťové encefalitidy u hostitele a jejich genetická determinace 2011-2015 M. Lipoldová (co-investigator) 15
ME CR LC06009 Centre for molecular ecology of vectors and pathogens 2006-2010 M. Lipoldová 15
ASCR KAN200520801 Targeted expression and transport of bioactive molecules 2008-2012 D. Staněk 16
GSF GAP305/10/0424 Regulation of alternative splicing via chromatin acetylation 2010-2013 D. Staněk 16
GSF GAP302/11/1910 Formation of splicing machinery in the context of the cell nucleus 2011-2014 D. Staněk 16

EU – FP6

LSHP-CT-2007-037693 HIV protease inhibitor resistence by enzyme-substrate coevolution 2007-2011 R. Sedláček 18
EU - FP7 HEALTH.2011.1.4-5 New therapeutic approaches in chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases Nov2010-2011 R. Sedláček 18
GA ASCR IAA500520812 Investigating the pathologic role of metalloproteinases in liver using transgenic mice with conditional expression of transgenes 2008-2012 R. Sedláček 18
GSF GAP305/10/2143 Generation of mouse models for targeting stelete cells and myofibroblasts in the liver 2010-2013 R. Sedláček 18
GSF GAP303/10/2044 The Impact of a liver-specific deficiency of growth factor sheddase ADAM10 on liver development and pathology 2010-2013 R. Sedláček 18
GSF GAP302/11/2048 Function of metalloproteinases in colon epithelium and during development of experimental colitis and colon cancer 2011-2014 R. Sedláček 18
OPVK CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0102 Founding of an expert team for the Centre for Phenogenomics 2011-2014 R. Sedláček 18
ASCR KAN200520804 Biocompatible nanofiber scaffolds forming novel drug matrices for the application of biologically and pharmacologically active substances 2008-2012

V. Holáň

GSF GD310/08/H077 Regulation of immunological mechanisms in health and disease:Development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches 2008-2011 V. Holáň (co-investigator) 19
GSF GA206/08/0640 Host-parasite relationship, hybrid zone, immune systém, house mouse, Mus musculus 2008-2012 V. Holáň (co-investigator) 19
GSF GAP304/11/0653 Targeted differentiation and transdifferentiation of limbal and mesenchymal stem cells and their therapeutic applications in preclinical models 2011-2014 V. Holáň 19
GSF GAP301/11/1568 Cellular aspects of transplantation tolerance 2011-2014 V. Holáň (co-investigator) 19
GSF GAP305/11/1780 Wnt signaling in self-renewal and tumorigenesis of the intestinal epithelia 2011-2014 V. Kořínek 20
GSF GAP304/11/1252 Bakterie v etiologii, prevenci a terapii experimentálně vyvolaných střevních zánětů a kolorektálního karcinomu 2011-2014 V. Kořínek (co-investigator) 20
ME CR 2B06077 High throughput analysis of chromatin structure for development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in cancer 2006-2011 V. Kořínek 20


Premium Academiae Premium Academiae 2007-2013 J. Forejt 21
GSF GAP305/10/1931 Identification of interactors of the meiotic histone methyltransferase Hybrid sterility 1 /PR-domain 9) 2010-2013 Z. Trachtulec 21
GSF GPP305/11/P630 Epigenetic regulators of gene expression in mouse spermatogenesis 2011-2013 O. Mihola 21
ASCR M200520901 Novel components of mast cell immune receptor signalling 2009-2012 Pe. Dráber 22
ASCR KAN200520701 Nano-PCR - ultrasensitive test for detection of specific proteins in body fluids 2007-2011 Pe. Dráber 22
GSF GA301/09/1826 Topography and function of Csk-binding proteins of the plasma membrane in mast cells  2009-2013 Pe. Dráber 22
TA CR TA01010436 New generations of DNA aptamers 2011-2013 Pe. Dráber 22
GSF GAP302/10/1759 Function-structure relationships between transmembrane adaptor-based signalosomes in mast cells 2010-2013 L. Dráberová 22
MIT FR-TI3/067 Genetically modified polymerases and their utilization for amplification of non-purified DNA 2011-2014 Pe. Dráber 22
ASCR KAN200520703 The use of ultrasound in nanomedicine 2007-2011 L. Anděra (co-investigator) 23
GSF GAP301/10/1971 Expression, signaling and function of Death Receptors in human embryonic stem cells 2010-2012 L. Anděra 23
MH CR NS10287-3/2009 Experimental therapy of mantle cell lymphoma (Mantle Cell Lymphoma, MCL) 2009-2011 L. Anděra (co-investigator) 23
GSF GEMEM/09/E011 Signaling and adaptor proteins of leukocyte membrane microdomains 2009-2012 V. Hořejší 24
GSF GAP305/11/0459 Vliv transmembránových domén integrálních proteinů na dynamickou organizaci plazmatické membrány T lymfocytů 2011-2014 T. Brdička (co-investigator) 24
ME CR 1M0506 Center of Molecular and Cellular Immunology 2005-2011 V. Hořejší 24
ME CR 2B06064 New target genes for childhood leukemia diagnosis and treatment focused on adaptor molecules of signaling pathways 2006-2011 T. Brdička 24
ASCR KAN200520704 New nanoparticles for ultrastructural diagnostics 2007-2011 P. Hozák 25
GSF GD204/09/H084 Molecular biology of a  differentiating cell 2009-2012 P. Hozák 25
GSF GAP305/11/2232 Functions of myosin I and its binding partners in the cell nucleus 2011-2015 P. Hozák 25
MIT FR-TI3/588 Vývoj kitu pro detekci mutací strukturních proteinů buňky 2011-2015 P. Hozák 25
ME CR ME09101 Cooperative contribution of actin- and myosin-families to the chromatin dynamics and tranion in the cell nucleus 2009-2011 P. Hozák 25
ME CR LC545 Functional organisation of the cell 2005-2011 P. Hozák 25
ME CR 2B06063 Flurescence microscopy in biological and medical research 2006-2011 P. Hozák 25
ME CR LC06063 Flurescence microscopy in biological and medical research 2006-2011 P. Hozák 25
GSF GA204/09/1777 Analysis of signaling assemblies containing gamma-tubulin 2009-2011 Pa. Dráber 26
GSF GAP302/10/1701 Analysis of functional differences between gamma-tubulins 2010-2012 E. Dráberová 26
GSF GPP302/11/P709 Analysis of microtubular changes during activation of mast cells 2011-2013 V. Sulimenko 26
GSF GA204/09/0085 RNA silencing and long dsRNA in mammalian cells 2009-2013 P. Svoboda 28
GSF GAP305/10/2215 Control of chromatin and pluripotency by microRNAs 2010-2013 P. Svoboda 28
ME CR ME09039 Role of posttranslational mechanisms in reprogramming mouse oocytes to pluripotent cells 2009-2012 P. Svoboda 28
GA ASCR IAA500520908 The role of Pax genes in eye evolution 2009-2013 Z. Kozmik 29
GSF GD204/09/H058 Intercellular signalling in development of the organism and in disease genesis 2009-2012 Z. Kozmik (co-investigator) 29
GSF GAP301/11/2198 Genetics of mammalian eye development 2011-2014 Z. Kozmik 29
GSF GAP305/10/2141 Evolution of photoreceptors: insights from ancestral regulatory circuits 2010-2014 Z. Kozmik 29
GSF - Eurocores GCP305/10/J064 Reconstructing urbilaterian photoreceptors: comparative study between Branchiostoma (Chordata) and Platynereis (Annelida) 2010-2012 Z. Kozmik (co-investigator) 29
GSF GA203/09/0820 Structurally inspired synthese of the selectiv inhibitors nukleotidas, potentially important medicals 2009-2013 J. Brynda 31
MPO 2A-2TP1/076 Generic therapeutic antibodies 2007-2011 J. Sedláček 31
ME CR 1M0505 Center of targeted therapeutic drugs 2005-2011 M. Fábry (co-investigator) 31
GSF GCP305/10/J052 Functional analysis of endogenous retroviral elements in human genome: possible association with cancers 2010-2012 J. Pačes 33
GSF GAP305/11/1061 Evoluce parazitismu: analýza genomu a klíčových fyziologických funkcí volně žijící améby Mastigamoeba balamuthi a patogena Entamoeba histolytica 2011-2015 J. Pačes (co-investigator) 33
GSF GAP506/11/1317 Diverzita a evoluce anaerobních  heteroloboseí 2011-2014 Č. Vlček (co-investigator) 33
GSF GAP506/11/1320 Vznik sekundárního plastidu u euglenidů 2011-2015 Č. Vlček (co-investigator) 33
ME CR 1M0520 Center for Applied Genomics 2005-2011 V. Pačes 33
ME CR 2B06106 Novel genomic and biotechlological approaches in molecular oncology: a way to the early diagnostics and targeted therapy 2006-2011 Č. Vlček 33
ME CR 2B08031
Metagenomics and bioinformatics as a basis for preparation of effective approaches, 
preparation and  
characterization of microorganisms and their consortia for utilization in bioremediation
2008-2011 J. Pačes 33
GSF GA203/09/1311 Synthetic probes for recognition of tumor markers: applications for cell directed
apoptosis and targeted photodynamic therapy
2009-2012 J. Králová 36
GSF GA301/09/1727 Large-scale identification of genes responsible for the formation of solid tumours 2009-2012 M. Dvořák 36
GSF GAP305/10/2133 The study of satellite cells migration 2010-2012 P. Kašpar 36
GSF GAP303/11/1291 Nové typy ligandů pro interferenci komunikace rakovinových buněk jako nová
terapeutická strategie
2011-2014 J. Králová (co-investigator) 36
ME CR LC06061 Center of Cell Invasiveness in Embryonic Development and Tumour Metastases 2006-2011 M. Dvořák 36
EU - FP7 TRIREME 223575 Systems-Level, Multi-Layer Understanding of Cellular Responses to Ionizing Radiation 2009-2012 J. Bartek 37
GSF GA204/08/1418 The role of the JAK/STATsignalling pathway in cellular senescence 2008-2012

Z. Hodný

GSF GPP305/10/P420 Role of Wip1 phosphatase in the DNA damage response 2010-2012 L. Macůrek 37
GSF GAP301/10/1525 Mechanisms of DNA damage checkpoint termination 2010-2012 J. Bartek 37
GSF GPP305/11/P683 Post-translational modifications of Daxx and their functional relevance in DNA
damage response and cellular senescence
2011-2013 H. Hanzlíková 37
EU - FP6 018652 CRESCENDO Consortium for Research into Nuclear Receptors in Development and Aging 2006-2011 P. Bartůněk 38
GSF GA310/08/0878 The role of the cells prion protein in erytroidnic differentiation 2008-2012 P. Bartůněk (co-investigator) 38
GSF GA204/09/1905 Disp3: A potential role in the self renewal and differentiation of neural stem cells 2009-2012 P. Bartůněk 38
GSF GAP305/10/0953 New regulators of megakaryocyte and erythroid lineage commitment 2010-2013 P. Bartůněk 38
ME CR LC06077 Center of Chemical Genetics 2006-2010 P. Bartůněk 38


Národní infrastruktura pro chemickou biologii 2011- P. Bartůněk 38
GSF GA204/09/0565 Role of  RECQ5 DNA helicase in maintenance of genomic stability 2009-2013 P. Janščák 42
GSF GAP305/10/0281 Role of the Rothmund-Thomson syndrome gene product in maintenance of genomic
2010-2014 P. Janščák 42
GSF GAP302/11/1481 Serine proteases of human parasite Schistosoma mansoni and their function in host-parasite interactions 2011-2014 J. Dvořák 43
EU FP7 PIRG05-GA-2009-248642 Schistosoma Protease 2009-2013 J. Dvořák 43
