Scholars in Exile and Dictatorships of the 20th Century
Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities of the Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with National Technical Museum in Prague, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Czech Society for History of Sciences and Technology are pleased to announce the programme of the international conferencewhich will take place in Prague on 24 – 26 May 2011.
Issues concerning scientists in exile have attracted attention especially in relation to the large emigration wave that hit Europe facing the Nazi regime. Still, other émigré and exile waves in 20th century Europe have so far escaped more detailed attention, like those that were evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments. Insufficiently explored as yet is the effect of the Communist regimes that came into power in first in the Soviet Union and later in several European countries on escapes of scholars to outside their spheres of influence. The announced Conference approaches these questions from two angles – partly from the all- European perspective and partly considering the Czech developments.
In relation to Czech exile, the Conference attempts to accomplish two tasks: determine the present state of research and serve as a platform where the former “émigrés” can share their personal experience and position. Therefore, the scholarly part of the Conference will be supplemented by a round table discussion and social gatherings.
10. 5. 2011