Ing. Anna Galíková, CSc.
Pracovní zařazení:
Vědecký pracovník Telefon:
+420 220 390 303 E-mail:
Rozvojová 135/1, 165 02 Praha-Lysolaje, Česká republika Číslo místnosti:
24 Pracovní skupina:
Oddělení aerosolových a laserových studií
Our research activities
cover the following areas:
- Experimental study of the kinetics of reactions, of isothermal adsorption, desorption and thermal programmed desorption (TPD) of compounds on sorbents and catalysts. The method of concentrations pulses is there widely applied. Testing the stability of the adsorption-desorption properties of the sorbents and catalysts .
- Modelling and simulation of the processes there involved, especially of the slow chemisorption. Design of mathematical models of the processes and selecting among them by statistical methods including the Akaike's and F tests. The global approach to the nonlinear kinetic systems described by sets of ordinary differential equations applied to both isothermal and changing temperature parts of experimental data.
- Thermogravimetric study of the compounds used or produced by the laser chemistry group in our institute,(including quantitative GC determination of decay products such as hydrocarbons, FTIR analysis of the tested samples and their decomposition products, and MS quantitative determination of hydrogen).
Seznam článků publikovaných během posledních 4 let (pouze časopisy a knihy):