Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute

20th Anniversary Speakers

Stephen King


Speaker at London Public Policy Symposium

Stephen King is the managing director of economics and strategy for HSBC in London, as well as the head of the Bank's global research team of analysts, economists, and strategists. Before his appointment to the directorship in 1998, he was responsible for articulating HSBC's views on Europe and its common currency. He spent the previous three years covering the Japanese economy. Mr. King began his career as an economic adviser at H.M.Treasury, during which time he counseled ministers on economic developments within the United Kingdom. He also served as private secretary to Lord Terence Burns, the UK's former chief economic adviser. More recently, Mr. King has testified on the economic effects of globalization before the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee. Since 2001, he has written a weekly column for The Independent, and occasionally contributes to the German financial newspaper, Handelsblatt. Mr. King studied economics and philosophy at Oxford University.