20th Anniversary Celebration
The First students entered CERGE-EI in September, 1991. We are planning a number of academic, public policy and social events throughout the fall to celebrate our 20th Anniversary and look forward to our future. Among these are:
Anniversary Week in Prague
(October 7 - 11)
CERGE-EI: Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence in Economics
Anniversary week will begin with an opening gala ceremony followed by a champagne reception honoring the organization's founders and graduates. The celebratory panel will feature remarks and toasts by CERGE-EI's founders and ESC members Jan Švejnar and Josef Zieleniec; founder Richard Quandt; its current director, Štěpán Jurajda; the rector of Charles University, Václav Hampl; the president of the Academy of Sciences, Jiří Drahoš; and the governor of the Czech National Bank, Miroslav Singer.
Friday, October 7,1:30-3:00 PM at CERGE-EI
Academic Conference Highlighting Research by Alumni
CERGE-EI alumni conducting research at world-leading universities and institutes will contribute papers to a conference entitled CERGE-EI: Economists Changing the World, to take place from Friday afternoon, October 7th, until noon Sunday, October 9th. All CERGE-EI faculty, alumni, students and officials of Charles University and the Academy of Sciences will be invited.
The conference will also feature a special panel by members of CERGE-EI's Executive and Supervisory committee: Michelle White, Gerard Roland, John Sutton.
Saturday, October 8, 4 PM - 6 PM at CERGE-EI
The panel will be followed by a reception and a buffet dinner which takes takes place on Saturday, October 8, at CERGE-EI, starting at 6 PM.
Social Events for the CERGE-EI Community, Past and Present
Social events for alumni to reconnect and meet current faculty and students will take place on both Friday and Saturday evenings, October 7 and 8. One event will be a reception and buffet dinner at CERGE-EI, and for the other, CERGE-EI students, alumni, faculty and friends will take over a local pub to continue the long-standing tradition of CERGE-EI Beer Parties.
The Beer Party - Friday, October 7, starting at 7 PM.
Václav Havel's Forum 2000 Conference
CERGE-EI is a co-organizer of the 2011 edition of Václav Havel's, Forum 2000, an annual event centered around a theme that draws prestigious speakers and attendees from around the world to discuss regional social and economic issues. This year’s event will be the 15th in Forum 2000’s influential and high-profile history and will focus on the “Rule of Law.” For ongoing updates on Forum 2000 events and participants, see: http:/www.forum2000.cz/en/projects/forum-2000-conferences/
CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Commitee member and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz will address the Fourm's opening session on Sunday evening, October 9th, when he will be presented with the Karel Englis Medal by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
During the Forum, CERGE-EI will present five sessions.
“The Rule of Law and Economic Growth” featuring:
Hernando de Soto, and
Joseph Stiglitz.
“Legal Institutions and Transition Success” featuring:
Kenneth Dam
Boris Nemtsov, and
Stephen Knack
"The Limits of Economic Regulation" featuring:
Robert Hahn and
Mikheil Saakasvhili
"Corruption and Society" featuring:
Peter Eigen,
Laurent Weill, and
Karel Janeček
"Is There a Glass Ceiling: Women Leaders in Tomorrow's Corporate World" featuring:
Steve Shirley
Ayse Kadioglu,
Beatrice Mtetwa,
Mariko Gakiya, and
Magdalena Vášáryová,
Economic Policy Lecture at CERGE-EI
On Monday, October 10 in the afternoon, Nobel Prize winner and ESC member Joseph Stiglitz will give a technical lecture tailored at a more scientific level than the public events during Forum2000.
Monday, October 10, 5 PM - 6:30 PM at CERGE-EI
*(seating limited)
20th Anniversary Formal Dinner
CERGE-EI will hold an exclusive cocktail party and dinner for its supporters and selected Forum 2000 participants on Tuesday, October 11th, after the Forum's concluding event.
Symposium Series in Financial Centers
(New York, London, and Frankfurt)
CERGE-EI faculty, alumni, and associates in key positions will present three one-day workshops of interest to the business and political community, analyzing economic trends and events in Central and Eastern Europe. The topics will be:
Color Revolutions: Implications for the Middle East,
Lessons in Splitting Currencies: Crown, Dinar and Ruble, and
Economic Leadership in a Multipolar World.
These workshops will be co-sponsored and supported by JPMorgan, DekaBank, and Schroders. The symposia will be held on Tuesday November 8th in London, Thursday, November 10th in Frankfurt, and Thursday, November 17th in New York. Confirmed speakers include Malcolm Rifkind, William White, Karel Dyba, Pavel Kysilka, John Eatwell, Stewart Eldon, George Robertson, Jagdish Bhagwati, John Taylor and Olivier Blanchard. Watch this space for updates on locations and other exciting speakers in the coming weeks.
Volume of the Best Research on Transition from CERGE-EI
CERGE-EI Tackles the Transition, a collection of articles reprinted from top refereed journals, will contain the most influential scholarly papers published by CERGE-EI faculty over the past 20 years. An introduction will be by Lubomir Lizal, Associate Professor with Tenure at CERGE-EI and member of the Board of the Czech National Bank.
Updates Will Be Added Regularly —
Watch This Space for More Information!