Jonathan Holbrook

Political Sociology, July – August 2010

he aim of the intership Proof-reading and editing the manuscript “Czech Parliament 1993-2009 between transformation and europeanisation“, Zdenka Mansfeldová, Lukáš Linek (eds.), assisting with research within the RECON project and assisting with preparations for the Graduate Summer School: 5th Changing Europe Summer School „Informal Networks, Clientelism and Corruption in politics, state administration, business and society. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe“ Prague, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences 01 – 07 August 2010.


Jonathan Holbrook is a student of Russian and East European Studies at Yale University.  He is especially interested in the interaction of law and development. He is currently studying corruption in the area of government contracts, particularly the various factors influencing the degree to which it is accepted and what societal and cultural factors most significantly contribute to defining the point at which the relevant elements of society consider it unacceptable.  In addition to his academic interests, he served as a law clerk to the Senior Circuit Court Judge in his home county.  His work at the Institute was funded by a grant from Yale International Security Studies.

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