People at CERGE-EI
Prof. Ing. Evžen Kočenda, Ph.D.
Office: 333
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Graduated in 1985 from the Prague School of Economics with an Ing. degree in International Trade Management. M.A. in Economics from the University of Toledo, Ohio in 1992. Graduate studies in Economics at the University of Houston, Texas with a Ph.D. degree in 1996. Since 1996 a Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (EI). 1996-1999 Assistant Professor at CERGE, Charles University. 1999-2004 Associate Professor at CERGE. In October 2004 he was appointed as Full Professor. 1996-1998 Deputy Director for Research at CERGE and EI. The Deputy Director for Graduate Studies at CERGE and EI, March 2002-August 2003. Research Fellow of the CESifo, OEI, and WDI. Economic Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in 1997. Member of the editorial boards of the journals Economic Systems, Czech Journal of Finance and Economics, Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, Prague Economic Papers and International Journal of Business Competition and Growth. 2004-2006 a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Comparative Economics. 1998-1999 a member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. 1999-2003 a member of the Scientific Council of the Economics Institute. 2005-2009, member of the Presidium, Research and Development Agency of the Slovak Republic. Member of the Expert and Advisory Panel (Finance and Business Administration) of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. Member of the Scientific Council of the Prague School of Economics. Member of the Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic.
Research Orientation:
Applied macroeconomics and econometrics, international monetary economics, financial markets, transition, European integration, corporate governance.