Name: Next-Generation Integrated-optic Subsystems
Sponsor: EU
Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Alfred Driessen
Co-principal investigator: Prof. Jiří Čtyroký, DSc.
Member: Milan Hubálek, MSc.; Ladislav Prkna, MSc.
From: 2001-09-01
To: 2004-08-31

The project is aimed at developing existing integrated optical microresonator technology into a robust, densely-integrated active photonic platform, to create an optical subsystem on a chip. The subsystem is expected to combine functions such as high-speed optical modulation, wavelength multiplexing and filtering, in a scalable manner, capable of handling many optical information channels simultaneously. A new generation integrated optic technology will be developed that eventually leads to low-power, highly manufacturable and hence low-cost network subsystems on a chip which can be deployed in increasingly local optical network nodes. Activities include the study of special passive and organic electro-optic optical materials, the development and application of new design tools, the technological realization and detailed characterization of devices, and system studies assuring the relevance of the new devices and subsystems.

The role of the IREE team is the development and application of new design tools for microresonator devices.