Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

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Předseda AV ČR prof...

Measurements of low energy radiation and other enhancements of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Seminář Čtvrtek, 16.06.2011 15:00 - 16:00

Přednášející: Ingo Allekotte (Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina)
Místo: Přednáškový sál v budově FZÚ AV ČR, Na Slovance 2, Praha 8
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Sekce fyziky elementárních částic; Centrum částicové fyziky

The construction of the world largest observatory for ultra-high energy cosmic rays was practically completed in 2008. However, since then several projects - aimed to enhance the sensitivity of the observatory in the region of lower energies - were proposed and are being realized. In my talk I will briefly review the current status of the Pierre Auger Observatory and its recent results, and then I will introduce in detail these low-energy enhancements, namely projects of infill array of surface detectors, high-elevation fluorescence telescopes, and complementary array of muon detectors.

Prof. Ingo Allekotte is the Deputy project manager of the Pierre Auger Observatory.

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