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More about BIOCEV project

Institute of Microbiology: Microorganisms in Research and Biotechnology

Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Microorganisms in Research and Biotechnology

The research will be focused on genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, physiology, stress factors, differentiation, morphology, phylogenesis and ecology of microorganisms including their biodegradation activities and mechanisms of long–term adaptations to adverse conditions. Biotransformations and recombinant and transgenic microbial technologies will also be studied and used to construct recombinant microorganisms, whose products will be obtained on a pilot plant scale. Molecular mechanisms of photosynthetic processes in both algae and bacteria and phototrophic and heterotrophic production of alge will also be studied. Molecular aspects of bacterial pathogenicity and innate and acquired immune response will be analyzed in conventional and germ–free animals. Attention will be paid to their regulation under physiological and pathologically modified conditions (autoimmune diseases, tumors) and new anti–tumor drugs and immunotherapeutics will be investigated.


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