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More about BIOCEV project

Institute of Sociology: Sociological analysis of long–term social processes in Czech society in the context of European integrational policies, development of the knowledge–based society and of human, social and cultural capital

Institute of Sociology of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Sociological analysis of long–term social processes in Czech society in the context of European integrational policies, development of the knowledge–based society and of human, social and cultural capital

The research plan stems from the need to gain knowledge of contemporary social issues, problems and trends, and to develop sociology as a scientific discipline. The research plan concentrates on a sociological analysis of social structures, institutions and policies, and long–term social processes in Czech society in the context of European integrational policies, development of the knowledge–based society, and of human, social and cultural capital. It links scientific concepts, activities and research results with new directions and trends. It builds upon contemporary social theories and methodologies, places great emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach and takes into account the current needs concerning the study of Czech society. The research plan will also include the maintenance and development of modern R&D infrastructures. Research results and activities will support the transfer of scientific knowledge into applied research, higher–education and social practice.


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