Na obálce
Teplý F.: Photoredox catalysis by [Ru(bpy)3]2+ to trigger transformations of organic molecules. Organic synthesis using visible-light photocatalysis and its 20th century roots. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 76 (7): 859-917, 2011. |
Severa L., Koval D., Novotná P., Ončák M., Sázelová P., Šaman D., Slavíček P., Urbanová M., Kašička V., Teplý F.*: Resolution of configurationally stable [5]helquat. Enantiocomposition analysis of a helicene congener by capillary electrophoresis. New Journal of Chemistry 34 (6): 1063-1067, 2010. |
Adriaenssens L., Severa L., Šálová T., Císařová I., Pohl R., Šaman D., Rocha S.V., Finney N.S., Pospíšil L., Slavíček P., Teplý F.*: Helquats: A Facile, Modular, Scalable Route to Novel Helical Dications. Chemistry - A European Journal 15 (5): 1072-1076, 2009. |