International Trade Theory and Its Methodology: Explaining the Structure of Migration Flows. Published in Angelescu I., S. Gherghina and P. Flather (edit.). 2010. Facets of Migration in Contemporary Europe – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Specific Challenges. Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag, pp. 63–86, ISBN-10: 3-8382-0091-8.


The objective of this chapter is to present an outline of the methodological view that is used by international economics’ microeconomic branch dedicated to the pure theory of trade. It is used for explaining the causes and outcomes of the international mobility of factors, guided in this case exclusively by migrating labor. The description represents the author’s own views concentrated on a specific deductive method of analysis – therefore its aim is not an overview of the existing economic theories of migration. For such purposes the reader should turn to the survey literature (see, for example, Borjas 1994, Raymer and Willekens 2003). This chapter is designed first for non-economists, even though economists not versed in international trade theory can, perhaps, find it inspirational.

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