Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

IBM Cases studies, 5.3.2010.

IBM iDataPlex has a really...

Scintillation materials

Preparation and study of powder materials and ceramics based on some hafnates and aluminates, pure or doped by rare earth elements (Ce, Pr, Eu, Tb) and by some other dopes (Pb, Bi). The starting powder materials are in case of the hafnates (SrHfO3, Lu4Hf3O12) prepared via reaction in the solid state at higher temperatures, the lutetium and yttrium garnets (Lu3Al5O12, Y3Al5O12) are precipitated from solutions.

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