Different types of N nutrition and their impact on endogenous cytokinin levels in Festulolium and Trifolium pratense L.

Neuberg M., Pavlíková D., Žižková E., Motyka V., Pavlík M.
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 57 : 381-387 , 2011
Keywords: Poaceae, Fabaceae, N nutrition, injection application, trans-zeatin, dihydrozeatin, conjugates of cytokinins, nitrogen uptake

Biogeochemical cycles of chlorine in the coniferous forest ecosystem practical implications

Matucha M., Clarke N., Lachmanová Z., Forczek S.T., Fuksová K., Gryndler M.
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 56 : 357-367 , 2010
Keywords: chlorine cycle, chlorination, enzymatic, abiotic, organochlorines, adsorbable organic halogenes

The effect of potentially toxic elements and sewage sludge on the activity of regulatory enzyme glutamate kinase

Pavlíková, D.; Pavlík, Milan; Staszková, L.; Tlustoš, P.; Száková, J.; Balík, J.
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 53 [5] : 201-206 , 2007
Keywords: Proline regulation; toxic elements; plant stress metabolism; chronic stress

Cot-based cloning and sequencing of the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B

Šimková, Hana; Janda, Jaroslav; Hřibová, Eva; Šafář, Jan; Doležel, Jaroslav
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 53 [10] : 437-441 , 2007
Keywords: Cot; BAC library; wheat

Photosynthetic performance of two maize genotypes as affected by chilling stress

Kosová, K.; Haisel, Daniel; Tichá, I.
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 51 [5] : 206-212 , 2005
Keywords: maize (Zea mays L.); genotype; light dependence of photosynthetic characteristics

Compounds of natural origin inducing resistance in winter wheat to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici)

Věchet, L.; Martínková, J.; Šindelářová, Milada; Burketová, Lenka
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 51 [10] : 469-475 , 2005
Keywords: winter wheat; inducer of resistence; powdery mildew

Callus induction and regeneration efficiency of spring barley cultivars registered in the Czech Republic

Šerhantová, V.; Ehrenbergerová, J.; Ohnoutková, Ludmila
PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 50 [10] : 456-462 , 2004
Keywords: immature zygotic embryos; auxin; 2,4-D-picloram
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