A minute, yet practical, modification of a well-known spectrograph based on a set of wedged narrow band filters is presented. It makes possible two-dimensional-imaging spectral measurements with a potential subpixel precision of a few micrometers. The simple spectroscopic device can evaluate dispersion of quantities which can be transformed into an image, e.g., into a spatial beam distribution. The spectrograph was used to measure angular dispersion of both a laser oscillator producing femtosecond pulses and a simple dispersive optical system, an optical wedge.
M. Divoký, P. Straka
Simple two-dimensional-imaging spectrograph with wedged narrow band filters
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 (2008) 123114(1) - 123114(4), doi:
M. Divoký
Fighting the rainbow
Čs. čas. fyz. 59 (2009) 375 - 378